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Lycan King's Unloved Mate novel Chapter 2



I turned my feet and back to my pack to demand from Jade, Why did she do this to me? I had known Jameson for the last two years, but she was my sister. How could she do this to me?

I was also going to complain to Mom about how Jade broke my trust and was sleeping around with my boyfriend. Wiping my tears, I now ran at the same speed at which I was running earlier. Mom had given me perfume, because of which my scent had been masked so that it could help me elope. I could leave without any trance.

I received another message from Jameson asking about my location.

I scoffed and decided to ghost this scumbag. These people were called rogues for a reason. No amount of education and training could clean the dishonesty and unloyalty from their blood; after all, an apple never falls from their tree.

I was pissed before anything, and I had planned to slam Jade’s beautiful face in the wall for this.

I knew all the secret passages of the packs that were made to be used at the time of any attack, so my first stop was Jade’s room.

I was about to enter her room behind the big painting in her room when I heard Jameson's name being spoken, and I couldn’t stop myself from eavesdropping.

"That idiot was thinking that I was serious with him. That’s why he proposed to me for the wedding after Bri suggested he elope," Jade said with a chuckle.

Tears welled in my eyes, realizing that until that day they had been in contact. Not just that, Jameson's first choice was Jade. Everything that he said, including the fact that he agreed to leave everything behind for me,

"But I didn’t mind showing him the place where he belonged. I meant I wasn’t that foolish to choose him as my husband when my stupid sister was giving me the Lycan husband willingly." She laughed. "I wonder how anyone can be so stupid," she added between her laughter.

I was about to confront her now when I heard the voice that I never dreamed of hearing.

"She is not stupid, Jade. It’s just that I’ve created a wall of my fake love around her so thick that she does everything that I want without her knowing.

My foot stumbled, and I grabbed the wall beside me for support.


Fake love? What did she mean by that?

"I can’t believe how she fights with her own father for me while he does everything for her betterment. I had poisoned her mind to the point that all she saw was negativity for everything that he does good."

I couldn’t take this anymore.

I sat on the floor before, and I would have fallen to the ground with this new revelation.

"She assumed his cold and rude behavior as his hatred, but only if she knew that after the death of his fated mate, her mother, his heart too died, leaving no emotions inside him."

Mom was Dad’s fated mate?

Not his one-night stand? Why did Mom share this with me? Then why did Dad leave her and marry Emaline Mom—a witch, to be exact? It seemed like I had lived my whole life loving the wrong people and hating the right people.

Chapter 2 1

Chapter 2 2

Chapter 2 3


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