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Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire novel Chapter 314

Chapter 314 She Couldn't Resist His Gentleness

"Do you want to kiss me again?"

Cecelia had to admit that this guy always surprised her with his unexpected romantic gestures.

He knew exactly how to charm a girl.

And her heart was pounding from his teasing.

As Cecelia locked eyes with him, their proximity made it impossible for the man's intense gaze to hide his desire to kiss her. If he didn't want to kiss her, what else could it be?


Remington put on a serious face and said, "Don't think of me as so shallow! Can't I think of something other than just the two of us?"

Cecelia was speechless.

She was taken aback by his unexpected response. What was he up to?

His actions that followed proved that Cecelia had overthought. He set a romantic atmosphere and then turned on the projector, starting to explain some clues he had discovered related to the secret manual.

"Cece, take a look. These are some things I have investigated regarding the Collection of Fragrant Clothes. We now know that several factions are vying for this secret manual. Apart from Kevin and the Revenant Sect, there's another force represented by Maggie Taylor."

"I suspect that there must be a greater hidden power behind Maggie because my investigation reveals that when she first arrived in the Center City of the Cathail Republic, she had no background to speak of. Yet, she was able to create a successful corporation like the Taylor Group. Don't you think she must have a powerful backer?"

"Yes, I think so too."

"And I have a very bold speculation!"

Remington came to Cecelia's side, putting his arm around her shoulder and flipping through the pages with a laser pen in his hand.

"Look at the relationship map I made! If we consider Jessica Kara as a breakthrough, we can analyze things starting from her and Maggie."

"The first thing we think of is that Jessica Kara might be Maggie's undercover agent."

"This way, it would make sense for them to steal Doris and kill Esmee."

"But we haven't considered the second layer. What is the relationship between Jessica Kara, Maggie, your senior martial brother, and your master, Tobiani Bowman?"

Cecelia furrowed her brows under the soft blue light, able to see the man's profound profile. "Are you saying that you suspect they are all in cahoots?"

"My second speculation is that Maggie, just like you, is also a member of the Dark Moon. Her powerful backer might be your master, Tobiani Bowman."

As Remington spoke these words, Cecelia remained calm on the surface, but inside, a storm was brewing.

If it was really as he suspected, then she had been living in a huge deception all this time?

"Let me think carefully. Five years ago, on the night of the Linsey family's big fire, Martin Dylon saved me. When I escaped from the Linsey family, I had a situation and was desperate. That was when Jessica and Kara appeared.

"They took me away and helped me safely give birth to four children. But Kara told me at the time that the youngest child wasn't breathing, and she kindly took the child away to deal with it.

"Afterwards, I gave the eldest child to you and took the remaining two children with me to the Swaxon Kingdom.

"In the Swaxon Kingdom, I met their master. Tobiani Bowman. Through their introduction, I was allowed to join Dark Moon.

"They kindly helped me raise my two children and provided me with training opportunities to become stronger as well.

"I respected my master as a father and considered Dark Moon as my family. I also met Jersey Bowman, who took good care of me and my children."

As Cecelia recounted, she recalled all the years of her life and growth in Dark Moon.

Dark Moon was like a second chance at life for her, and she couldn't believe that they could be the manipulators behind the conspiracy!

"When I said I wanted to return to the Cathail Republic for revenge, my master was very supportive, and Jersey said he would help me.

"The first thing that made me suspicious was the appearance of our daughter, Doris, who was raised by Maggie.

"If we follow your second speculation, the life-saving favor from Jessica and Kara five years ago was actually premeditated by them.

"They saved me and falsely claimed that our youngest child died, but who knows what methods they used to sedate her.

"They gave the child to Maggie to raise, and five years later, my master helped me return home for revenge. When I found the secret manual, Maggie used our daughter as a hostage, wanting to trade for the manual.

"But she didn't expect that we would plan to make her plan fail. Her weakness, Esmee, fell into my hands, and she wanted to eliminate this threat. So Jessica and Kara secretly helped.

"In all of this, could Jersey also be involved?"

Cecelia really didn't want to believe that her trusted Jersey Bowman had ulterior motives for her.

"Whether he was involved or not, if tonight's plan goes smoothly, there will be an opportunity to find out!"

Remington had a thought and cupped her face, asking, "What would you do if your senior brother was also involved in the conspiracy?"


Cecelia didn't answer, and she just looked at him quietly.

Knowing that she was struggling to decide, Remington leaned closer to her and said, "Forget about him. Can you just think about me? Em? Cece?"

He gently kissed her, and she didn't resist, so he became bolder.

The man was gentle and romantic, making it impossible for Cecelia to resist. He didn't know that it was his gradual tenderness and patience that had melted her cold heart.


A silent night.

A few security guards at Bluebell Mansion were playing cards in the duty room.

They were not neglecting their duties, but following Mrs. Linsey's orders to only play cards here at night.

They were playing lively when suddenly the surveillance screen flickered and then went black.

"Did something just flash on the screen?"

"There was nothing, come on, let's continue playing! Whoever loses treats!"

In the darkness, Jessica, dressed in black night clothes, appeared at the mansion gate. Taking advantage of the guards playing cards, she sabotaged the surveillance and successfully infiltrated the mansion.

Cecelia didn't live here, so the main villa was pitch black. Jessica sneaked into the main villa, using a small flashlight to light her way as she climbed to the second floor, searching for the study.

Successfully finding the study, Jessica opened the door and began searching for things on the desk using the flashlight's beam.

The surveillance footage must be stored on a storage disk, but she searched the desk thoroughly and didn't find anything resembling a storage disk.

Refusing to give up, she expanded her search and opened a drawer. When the flashlight shone inside, she was shocked to find a storage device.

But as she picked up the storage device, suddenly, the alarm in the villa started ringing.

"Beep... Beep... Beep..."

Realizing the situation was not good, Jessica immediately tried to escape, but at that moment, all the lights in the villa turned on.

A bright light illuminated the area, as if it were daytime.

The study's door was forcefully kicked open, and the bodyguards instinctively made way.

Then, a cold figure appeared before my eyes.

Cecelia stared at Jessica, dressed in all black, with a fierce and icy gaze.

Jessica was shocked when she recognized the person before her. How could Cecelia suddenly appear?

Chapter 315 They have been exposed

When she came, she confirmed that Cecelia would stay with the Nelson family at night, but how did she end up here?

No matter what, her identity must not be revealed.

Jessica decided to launch a surprise attack.

But it was too late!

"Jessica, I knew it would be you coming, so I had someone set up and wait for you in advance. Surprised, aren't you?"

Cecelia walked in from outside, her cold gaze like a knife, staring at the person in front of her.


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