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Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire novel Chapter 468

Chapter 468 A Little Expectation

Fortunately, Remington reacted quickly and kicked her away.

Winger and the others also rushed forward to separate the woman from Cecelia.

The woman fell to the ground and let out a mournful cry. Upon closer inspection, Cecelia realized that it was Heather.


Heather got up from the ground and approached Cecelia again, "Cecelia, I came specifically to find you!"

Cecelia asked Winger and the others to step back, looked at Heather on the ground, and asked, "What do you want with me?"

Heather clasped her hands together and pleaded, "I came to beg you. Please spare my son, Cecelia!"

It turned out she came to plead for Harry.

After understanding the situation, Cecelia regretfully told her, "Your son did wrong, and the police will deal with him according to the law. Begging me won't help."

Heather was so anxious that she almost cried, "Cecelia! Cecelia... I know I've let you down a lot in the past! I deserve what's happening to me now!

"But Harry is my only son. If he goes to jail, how am I going to live the rest of my life?

"Please, for the sake of our past as a family, help Harry! I know you have connections with the police. Can you find someone to help? Please!"

Cecelia shook her head. "After I took back the Linsey Group, I gave him a chance. If he could live an honest life, how could he be caught?

"I didn't provoke him. He was the one who conspired with others to frame me. He's brought this on himself. Who else can he blame?

"I've said it before, those who offend me and bully me won't end well! You didn't take my words to heart!"

"Will you not spare him? My poor son..."

Heather, no longer a wealthy woman and living a miserable life without any support, covered her face and wept at Cecelia's ruthless words.

"Is your son pitiful? I think those who are pitiful must have hateful aspects! This is the result of your poor parenting!

"But on the other hand, it's good that he's in jail. He can keep Gary company, and it will be convenient for you to visit him in jail!"

After Cecelia said these words, the elevator arrived. Cecelia entered the elevator with Remington and others.

Heather sat on the ground, heartbroken. Her daughter had disappeared without informing her recently, and her son had been arrested. How could she go on?

Just as Heather was in despair, a man with a hat brim pulled down extremely low appeared in front of her, "If you want to save your son, I can help you!"

Heather looked up, unable to see the man's face clearly, but she was desperate and grabbed at this lifeline, "Really? Can you save my son? Can you really save him?"

"I can, but I need you to do something for me!"

"Okay, okay, as long as you can save my son, even if it's a hundred things, I'm willing!"

"Come with me!"

Heather wiped away her tears, got up from the ground, and hurried to catch up with him.


At this time, the movie in the upstairs cinema was about to start.

Ariella had been brought here by Rupert. She had tried to escape several times, but had failed. She was still upset about what Rupert had done earlier and didn't want to see him at all.

Rupert bought drinks and popcorn and handed the popcorn bucket to her. "Hold this, Fatty."

"I have a name! Please call me by my name!"

Ariella said angrily. Hearing him call her Fatty reminded her of his comment about liking chubby girls, which gave her goosebumps and disgusted her.

"Okay, I'll call you by your name from now on. Alright, Fatty?"

"..." Ariella really wanted to kill him with her eyes! B*stard!

Rupert didn't care whether she was happy or not. He simply put his arm around her and led her into the cinema.

The reason Rupert had his assistant book tickets today was because he heard that Remington was taking Cecelia to a horror movie, and Remington mentioned that girls tend to hide in a man's arms when watching horror movies.

So he wanted to take Ariella to see one too, hoping that she would be scared and hide in his arms, ha-ha!

As the audience began to enter, Remington held Cecelia's hand and came here, bought popcorn and drinks, and entered the cinema hand in hand.


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