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Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Wanna Trap Her? His Wish

"I agree." Verda nodded.

Considering Lorenzo's situation, it was inappropriate to continue with the investigation. Therefore, they decided to end their "inspection tour" in advance.

They packed their things and prepared to leave. However, when they were about to walk out of the room, Cecelia caught a silhouette from the corner of her eye.

Luckily, she reacted quickly to dodge the attack. At the same time, she kicked Lorenzo out.

Lorenzo seemed to suffer an epileptic seizure and had lost his mind. He grabbed a chair and threw it at Cecelia and Verda.

Verda moved to protect Cecelia and kicked away the chair. He subdued Lorenzo effortlessly.

Sebastian and some staff members ran over when hearing the noises. He asked worriedly when seeing this scene, "Dr. Angus, are you all right?"

"I'm fine. Lorenzo wanted to attack us," replied Verda.

The interpreter interpreted his words. Sebastian hurriedly ordered, "Hurry out. Tack Lorenz back to his ward."

Then he helped Verda up and explained, "Mr. Angus, I told you just now. Lorenzo has a strong propensity for violence. He almost hurt you."

"I know. It's all right. Thank you, Mr. Mason. Let's call it a day. I want to leave with my assistant and go back to the hotel."

"Okay. Let me send you off."

Sebastian and other medical staff members sent them to the entrance. However, when they were about to leave, another team came over.

The man in the middle who was wearing a doctor's overall was the real Dr. Angus.

When Angus saw a person who looked the same as him, he exclaimed in disbelief, "Oh my god!"

The female assistant beside him was also astonished.

Except for Cecelia and Verda, everyone present was shocked, not knowing what was happening.

Sebastian thought he had seen it wrong. He had accompanied Dr. Angus, but why was there another Dr. Angus?

These two men looked the same. What happened?

Dr. Angus broke the silence. He asked, "Excuse me, I'm Dr. Angus. Who are you?"

Who would have expected that they would bump into the real Dr. Angus?

Verda could only continue with his performance. He asked Dr. Angus instead, "I'm the real Dr. Angus. Who are you?"

They all asserted that they were Dr. Angus, which shocked everyone present.

Angus' team burst into heated discussions.

Sebastian meddled in, "Excuse me, we've had a friendly exchange with Dr. Angus. Who are you?"

His assistant interpreted his words. Angus' female assistant replied, "We were invited by the Mental Hospital of the Western Center City and come here for an exchange visit. There are our passports and invitation letter."

Sebastian took their passports and the invitation letter. He then looked at Verda surprisedly and asked, "Do you have an invitation letter?"

Verda couldn't continue with his performance anymore. Nor could he show them their fake certificates as their disguises would be exposed if they compared them.

He made an excuse and said, "Of course. It's in my car. I and my assistant will get it now."

Right after finishing the words, he and Cecelia ran toward the gate. Sebastian and other medical staff members finally realized that they were deceived.

"Mr. Mason. They're liars. We've been deceived!"

"Hurry up! Catch them!" Sebastian ordered.

Several doctors immediately chased after them. But Verda had gotten into the car and started the engine. When those doctors caught up with them, he had successfully driven the car away.

After driving for a long distance, Verda finally reduced the speed. He heaved a sigh of relief after making sure that no car was following them and asked, "Miss Linsey, we're safe now. Where are we going?"

Right at this moment, Cecelia received a call from Gray. When she hung up her phone, she said to Verda, "Send me back to the Linsey Residence."


Gary called and asked her to go back. Cecelia agreed because she wanted to know what trick her cunning father wanted to play again.


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