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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 293

Chapter 293 

Taking someone’s belongings without permission that was called theft


Brielle was about to borrow the nurse’s phone to call the cops when the hospital intercom crackled to life, broadcasting a news update that caught her attention

-At ten this morning, the Haywood family declared bankruptcy. They’re buried under a debt of nearly ten billion

A crowd had gathered outside the Haywood Corporation’s headquarters, with assembly line. workers en masse filing for labor disputes

The reporter’s voice, cold and detached, narrated Robert’s downfall on the screen. Unable to repay debts and being sued by business partners, he’s currently at the police station awaiting mediation. All his assets were frozen.” 

A topranking business in Beaconsfield, had been brought so low in mere days it was a sobering spectacle

Brielle watched the news quietly, halfbelieving she was hallucinating. She knew the Haywood family was in hot water, but she hadn’t expected things to unravel so quickly

With her phone stolen, at least she wouldn’t be bothered by any more nuisance calls from the Haywood family. A faint smile ghosted her lips, but then her thoughts turned to Lillian’s actions the previous night, and her brow furrowed in concern

What was Lillian up to? Or what had she done using Brielle’s phone

A sense of unease gnawed at Brielle, and she immediately suspected a scheme at play. Brielle feared that the target was likely someone who cared deeply for her

She borrowed the nurse’s phone and immediately dialed Aubree. But when Aubree picked up. everything seemed normal, so Brielle asked her to sort out a new SIM card and bring over a replacement phone. Aubree, I owe you one.” 

Bri, stop it with the formalities. I’ll be right over.” 

Aubree had just woken up, exhausted from a tumultuous night with Andrew, who had kept her up until the early hours, leaving her utterly drained. Her voice was hoarse, and her body was a map of bruises as she mustered the strength to get out of bed

Beside her, Andrew was still asleep and his arms were wrapped around her waist like iron bands. Glancing at his face, Aubree paused for a moment. Andrew was undeniably handsome. and despite the disappointments, whenever they ended up entangled again, her heart would helplessly flutter with attraction as she felt the sweat roll off his face and onto her

She moved slightly and replied to Brielle. What does that witch Lillian want with your phone? Did you call the cops? Alright, I’ll be over soon to talk more.” 

Her movements woke Andrew, who frowned and let her go


Chapter 293 

As Aubree began to dress, her legs nearly gave out the moment they touched the floor. She looked up at Andrew through gritted teeth and, unable to hold back, hurled a pillow at him

Andrew caught the pillow with reflexive agility, looking up at her. What’s got you riled up so 


Aubree pointed to the marks on her neck, her face stern. “How am I supposed to go out looking like this?” 

Andrew was unrepentantly willful in her presence, frowning. Then don’t go. I’m not finished with you yet.” 


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