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Master of his heart ( Brielle And Max ) novel Chapter 294

Chapter 294 

Andrew arched an eyebrow and pulled her back in a swift motion. Let’s skip the part where you buy a phone, and we do this again.I’ll finish quickly, okay?” 

Even with Aubree’s thick skin, she couldn’t help but feel her cheeks flush and her heart race. Unbeknownst to her, a shadow of darkness flickered through Andrew’s eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck

Andrew had stamina like no other. When he said he’d be quick, Aubree really believed he was trying his best. Normally, he wouldn’t stop until a solid two hours went by, but this time it was all over in forty minutes

Just last night, he had gone from midnight to dawn, and now, here they were, done so soon

Aubree checked the phone. It was brand new, which didn’t raise any suspicions. As she was about to leave, she heard Andrew say, Don’t tell her it’s from me. I don’t want her getting too cocky.” 

Aubree chuckled at the thought. Sure thing. Your Highness,she said, finding his petty jealousy somewhat amusing

If only Aubree had looked back, she would’ve seen the smirk on Andrew’s face, full of mockery. as if he was anticipating some juicy drama to unfold

After activating Brielle’s new SIM card, Aubree hurried off to the hospital to see Brielle. As she neared the hospital, she glanced at her phone and only then learned about last night’s fire. It had happened right where Brielle’s apartment was located

Aubree’s brows furrowed. Was the fire intended to hurt Bri

Once in the hospital room, she asked the question that had been nagging at her. Bri, why would Lillian steal your phone? What’s she up to?” 

She handed over the new phone with a sneer. The Haywoods may have taken a hit, but surely Lillian isn’t so broke that she can’t afford a new phone.” 

Brielle took the new phone, shaking her head. She had no clue what Lillian’s endgame was

Aubree thought for a moment and then asked, I heard about the fire last night at your apartment. Seems like a strange coincidence. Do you think Lillian might have arranged a meeting with someone there? If the person that went there died, it would hurt you a lot. Doesn’t it sound like something Lillian would do?” 

Brielle looked up sharply. If you hadn’t answered your phone, I might have thought it was you.” 

A hint of amusement flashed in Aubree’s eyes. Turns out it wasn’t me. But if not me, could it possibly have been Max?” 

Brielle’s face paled at the mention of his name. Could it actually be Max

Chapter 294 

Aubree noticed her concern and sighed. I’m just messing with you. Don’t take it so seriously.” 

What Aubree didn’t expect was for Brielle to call Max without a moment’s hesitation. Aubree’s eyes narrowed, but she didn’t speak up to stop Brielle

Brielle’s eyes lit up hearing the phone ring. She thought she was still on his blocked list. Memories of Max quietly moving Spencer for Brielle’s sake, visiting her in the hospital in the middle of the night despite their breakup, and dealing with the Haywood family made Brielle’s eyes well up with tears

If something had really happened to him…. 


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