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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 417

In the interim, in the Allen family's living hall...

He couldn't believe that someone actually had the guts to challenge the Allen family this brazenly. This was the first time in centuries!

At this moment, Leonardo Allen was fuming with rage.

He cast a glance at his housekeeper who was lying on the floor with a pair of cloudy eyes. He had known Elder Allen for his entire life but right now, he looked unrecognizable. Elder Allen's face was swollen and his mouth was spewing blood. Some of his teeth looked to have been knocked out as well.

His heart ached distressingly.

Leonardo shifted his gaze to look away from the pitiful sight.

He then made eye contact with the strangers standing in his home.

There were a man and two women.

Indeed, Betty, Chuck, and Zelda had managed to get in unscathed.

Betty was a master in combat. How could an old man hold his own against her? In just a few minutes, Elder Allen was defeated.

In his panic, he had called out to the master of the Allen family.

Betty had dragged Elder Allen into the villa by his collar. No one was daring enough to try and stop her.

However, the hall was now gradually surrounded by people from the Allen family. The Superb Household Forces had all been deployed to defend themselves from this new threat.

Meanwhile, the people Betty had brought over were also standing at the doorstep, watching their opponents with faces devoid of any emotion.

The tension in the hall was stifling.

A battle that would end in blood and gore was going to commence at any second.

"Who are you?" Leonardo's voice thundered just then.

The suffocating silence was finally broken.

On this day, the Allen family had been stripped of its dignity by these three strangers.

He had to make these strangers understand who they were dealing with. They were the Allen family, for God's sake! They could do anything they wanted to in this country and no one would stop them.

How dare these people trespass on their home? They were going to pay for it with their lives!

"Is Landon back yet?" Betty asked instead.

"Shut up!" A voice interjected.

"How dare you speak to my grandfather so rudely? If he asks you a question, you have to answer!" a descendant of the Allen family rebuked.

This was really annoying. He couldn't believe his beauty sleep had been cut off by such nonsense in the middle of the night!

Furthermore, these strangers were all nobodies! He didn't even know who any of them were.

"You're not in a position to talk to me," Betty said, merely sparing a quick glance at the young man.

"F*ck!" the man started to fume. He was a young master of the Allen family! How could anyone have the audacity to speak to him like this?

"Landon took four billion dollars from my young master in exchange for a hotel. So, to be completely honest, it's a fairly straightforward problem with an easy solution," Betty started to explain. "My young master has paid the money. In return, you have to hand the hotel over and sign the contract."

A burst of laughter ensued after she had finished her words.

All members of the Allen family cackled as if they've just heard the funniest joke of the century.

Leonardo frowned at her and inquired, "My grandson took four billion dollars from you?"

"Yes. My young master has video evidence of the encounter too," Betty said and proceeded to play the video Chuck had shot on his phone. As the Allen family watched on, it only made them laugh even harder.

"Haha! This is Landon's idea of a joke! You're foolish to take it for real!" another member of the Allen family managed to get out in the midst of her laughter.

"Well, the money has already been paid though. So why don't we sign the contract now?" Betty said bluntly as she was unbothered by their laughter.

Leonardo sneered. Then, he replied with a taunt, "So what if Landon took your money?"

Betty narrowed her eyes at that while Chuck scowled. At this point, Zelda had already collected herself. She had seen enough to determine that Chuck was definitely capable enough to face off the Allen family. Otherwise, he wouldn't have forced himself in here.

"You know that four billion dollars is just play money to us right? Since you've given it to us, we'll treat it as a gift on your behalf. Money that enters the Allen family never goes out!" Leonardo flaunted.

He genuinely didn't think that it was a big deal. Four billion dollars was probably considered a large fortune to these people, that might be why they had rushed over here to confront them so desperately.

He continued to sneer, "We've never had the intention of selling the hotel. Since you've already transferred the money to us, it's ours now. Don't think about getting anything back in return!"

"Yes, that's right! That's how we roll here in the Allen family. What are you gonna do about it? Fight us to death? Do you really think you're able to?" someone mocked.

Betty narrowed her eyes dangerously. "So you're saying that you won't sign this contract. Is that correct?"

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear what Grandpa just said? You fool! The money is ours to keep now, do you understand? How dare you even think to buy something off my family!" a fat man jeered.

How dare she even have the nerve to force them into going through with this transaction!

Turning to Chuck, Betty said, "Young Master, I'm afraid there'll be some setbacks. Please wait for a moment."

Chuck nodded and answered indifferently, "No problem, I can wait."

"Alright!" Betty replied and promptly raised her fists. If they weren't willing to talk it out, then she had to force her hand. It was time to fight!

At this moment, however, an enraged voice exclaimed, "F*ck! Who the hell did this? How dare anyone act out like this in front of my family!"

Chuck smiled slightly as he recognized the voice. Landon was back.

He turned his head to look behind and saw Landon rushing in angrily.

Landon was fuming with rage. After all, who wouldn't be upon seeing the miserable state of the Allen family's property now? It was beyond upsetting.

"Hell, it's you!" Landon widened his eyes in disbelief and exclaimed as he landed his eyes on Chuck.

When he came in, he had thought that one of the other three families had done this to them. After all, within the entire country, who else would have the ability or courage to do this except for them? He had wondered if they were going to break off their peaceful arrangement on this fateful day.

When he was walking in, he was prepared to teach these people a lesson.

To his surprise, he saw that the person waiting for him inside was Chuck!

He thought he was seeing things. But no, this was real. It really was him.

What was he doing here? Did he really bring people over to ask for the hotel? The nerve he had!

"Grandpa, let me deal with them! How dare they do this to us?!" Landon yelled to Leonardo as he quickly stomped over.

"You're Landon, aren't you?" Betty turned her head and glanced at him coldly.

"So what if I am? You're all so brave, aren't you? Fine! I promise to make you meet your ends!" Landon swore vehemently.

Leonardo waved his hand in disregard. He really had no interest in this. All the guards of the Allen family had gathered and surrounded them now. Once the fight started, these strangers were going to be dead before they even knew it.


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