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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 418

After Betty had thrown out so many hints, would they realize who Chuck was now?

Leonardo was stunned. He still didn't know who Chuck was exactly. He genuinely didn't know much because he wasn't sure who ran the company that manufactured the piece of alloy in his hand. Therefore, how could he know which family Chuck belonged to?

While he may not have known who they were, he knew that Chuck's parents were definitely a force to be reckoned with.

He knew that by running such a huge company, the rewards must be limitless. Furthermore, the technology they developed had paved the way for the development of the future.

Frankly, Chuck's parents were so much more capable than the Allen family.

"Grandpa..." Some of the Allen family members were still confused at their grandfather's silence.

What was happening?

What had rendered Leonardo into such a trance? This had never happened before.

After all, the Allen family was very powerful. There was little that could faze the master of their family.

"Grandpa, what's that?" someone asked, walking over. He was really curious!

He muttered, "Isn't it just a piece of scrap? Doesn't look like anything impressive to me at all."

How could it cause Leonardo to react like this?

Leonardo eventually glanced up at Chuck, whose face was devoid of any emotions. Then, he got out of his chair and started to walk up to him slowly, sending the Allen family's descendants into frozen shock.

What was he doing?

Had he just gotten out of his chair for these strangers?

This was something that none of the other three families had managed to do.

All the Allen family's descendants were taken aback by it.

"Are his parents the owners of this piece of alloy?" Leonardo asked. He really couldn't bear to hear the answer if it was an affirmative one. If that were so, Chuck's parents' fortune must be through the roof. It would be impossible to estimate just how many assets they actually had.

Leonardo knew that his family had invested a lot of money in the United States tech company. However, his company in comparison to Chuck's was nothing but a speck of dust. He had a deep understanding of the numerous difficulties tech companies had to face. If anyone had invested in such a tech company that was listed as one of the top three in America, they would have at least made more than all of the Allen family's wealth combined.

It was simply astounding.

This meant that Chuck's parents were wealthy.

"You're right," Betty answered faintly.

Leonardo inhaled sharply at the answer.

It had suddenly dawned on him. So, that was why the people Chuck brought in could overwhelm his family's guards so easily. Chuck's family was so much more capable than his!

He also understood why Chuck had the audacity to even bring his people to the Allen family's household and why he wasn't afraid to beat Landon up. He didn't even look fazed when he had been attacked by hundreds of people just now...

It was clear to Leonardo now. Chuck's family was definitely richer, and therefore more powerful than the Allen family. It was a simple conclusion.

"Grandpa, help me! It hurts so much," Landon cried out. He had been slapped by Betty several times in front of so many members of the Allen family. She had singlehandedly taken away his dignity.

When Leonardo finally made his way over to them, he raised his boney arm in preparation for a slap.


The smack landed hard on Landon's already bruised face.

Landon and the rest of the Allen family at the scene were stupefied by this, their mouths gaped open in disbelief.

What had happened? Why did Leonardo hit his own grandson?

"Grandpa, why did you hit me?" Landon questioned in shock. He felt like he was in a dream, but the searing pain that he could clearly feel all over his face told him otherwise.

"You b*stard, what have you done?" Leonardo scolded him loudly.

"Swish!" He hit Landon once more.

Every member of the Allen family was astounded by this development.

What was wrong with Leonardo? Was he not going to protect his own family in front of strangers?

"Grandpa..." Landon could not help but feel wronged. Leonardo had just slapped him in front of so many people! How could he do this?


Leonardo slapped him again and yelled, "You still can't keep your mouth shut?!"

"Grandpa, what are you doing? Stop hitting me! What about them? Get people to beat them up instead!" Landon wept as he pointed at Chuck and Betty.


"You b*stard!"

Leonardo was almost out of breath himself after the fierce berating.

The hall had fallen extremely quiet.

"What's the point of prolonging the fight? You obviously know how this will end," Betty said.

Leonardo bit down on his tongue and asked, "Then, what do you want?"

"First, I want you to sign this contract," Betty said as she handed it over.


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