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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 495

Willa was determined. She could feel the sharp blade of the dagger on her neck. All she needed to do was to tilt her head lightly to end her life there and then. With her sacrifice, Chuck wouldn't need to kneel before anyone.

Chuck's eyes twitched as he spotted her determined look. What was Auntie Logan trying to do?

Chuck's heartbeat pounded wildly when he realized what he was trying to do.

Willa was about to end her life!

"B*tch?! Are you planning to commit suicide without my consent?" Frieda suddenly noticed Willa's unusual behavior and quickly seized her by the throat.

Willa struggled in pain. The gunshot wound was draining the energy from her body. She could even see black spots dancing in her vision. Was she not even allowed to take her own life?

''No,'' Willa shook her head in agony.

Frieda sneered, "F*ck! I've changed my mind. Black Rose, let's kill Chuck first!"

Black Rose had the same thought as well. She could not delay this any further to avoid the chance of others coming up to see the commotion they caused.

Now, go to hell, Chuck Cannon!

Black Rose gave Chuck a roundhouse kick that landed right in his chest. He flew backwards and crashed into the rubble.

The excruciating, suffocating pain caused him to lay incapacitated on the ground for a few seconds. He gritted his teeth and staggered to his feet, constantly replaying what Willa told him about dying with dignity.

"Still alive?"

Chuck was once again sent flying by Black Rose's kick. Frieda laughed hysterically at the rare sight of him being at a disadvantage.

Frieda let out a maddening laugh, "Don't worry, pretty lady. After Chuck is dead, then it's your turn. I won't forget to take your photos, so rest while you still can! Haha!"

This feeling was euphoric, and it fueled Frieda's desire to be an elite killer!

She wanted many people to be afraid of her!

There was an emptiness in Willa's eyes. She had never felt such agony before to see Chuck terribly wounded...

Black Rose sneered. Chuck still got back on his feet even though he was covered in blood.

However much it hurt, he was determined to go down with dignity.

Black Rose was stoic. She threatened again, "Die now!"

She lifted her legs, prepared to give him a final strike once and for all. This was her most skilled attack that would break someone's rib upon contact. Chuck was guaranteed to breathe his last breath with this.

Chuck was at ease. There was nothing to be afraid of. At the very least, he could die with Willa.

He would face his fate.

"Chucky," Willa sensed his abnormal calmness and called out.

"Auntie Logan," Chuck replied to her call softly. It was really no deal. If the death was to befall him, he would gladly accept its beckoning.

Both of them closed their eyes.

All of a sudden, there was a gunshot!

A bullet was shot towards their direction as a voice cried out in anguish, "Black Rose, how dare you try to kill my husband?"

It was Yvette!

The bullet hit Black Rose and she fell to the ground with a thump. She quickly got up and ran towards Frieda.

Yvette shot a cold glare at them and swiftly dashed over!

"Let her go!" Yvette shouted in fury.

She was devastated to see Chuck all bloodied up, her heart aching at the sight of him struggling to stand on his feet.

Frieda sneered, seemingly unafraid at Yvette's threat, "Let her go? Put down the gun, or I'll stab her to death!"

Sheer exhilaration was all she felt now. It was as though she was a step closer to falling into the pit of madness.

Yvette pointed her gun at Willa, saying softly, "Auntie Logan..."

Willa nodded.


Yvette pulled the trigger, a bullet whizzing through the sky and hitting Willa in the shoulder. The force tore through her shoulder and buried itself into Frida's body. Frieda was shocked and retreated, wailing in agony!

Black Rose was stupefied and immediately dragged Frieda away.

With no support, Willa fell to the ground.


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