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My Billionaire Mom novel Chapter 496

"I'll train you," Black Rose's gaze suddenly turned to Frieda coldly.

"Thank you, Ma'am." Frieda was delighted. Going to the United States implied that she could improve and expose herself to many new things. After all, she'd never been abroad!

However, she was annoyed that she lost her phone. There were photos of Cheryl and Black Rose in it. Since they were all gone now, didn't that mean she had to retake them again?

But where would she find such an opportunity?

"Before that, there's something you need to change," Black Rose mentioned stoically.

Frieda answered obediently, "Change? What do you want me to change? I'll listen to you."

Black Rose narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "As a killer, it's normal to kill a person as long as our employer pays us. Even so, one must have a basic conscience, do you understand?"

Not long ago, Black Rose's impression of Frieda changed drastically. For a girl who had not even reached the age of twenty, how could she be filled with such shameless and evil thoughts?

Blackmailing with nudes? How could a killer do such atrocious acts?

Black Rose wouldn't stoop so low.

Indeed, she agreed that killers like her were notorious. However, to shame others with their nudes was disrespecting the pride of a killer!

Killers were supposed to end others' lives, not taunt their victims and strip them of their dignity before finishing them off.

"I'm listening," Frieda nodded.

Black Rose told her off sharply, "Don't ever take photos of other women again. Do you hear me? This is simply outrageous and unfitting of a killer! Do you understand?"

"Alright, I'll listen to what you say. I won't take them anymore."

Frieda pretended to listen while secretly scoffing under her breath, "Won't take them anymore? In your dreams! It's not like you're my mother and I should listen to you just because you're teaching me!"

She would still take the photos, and was even more intent on taking Black Rose's nudes!

Frieda inquired, "Black Rose, what's your conscience then?"

Black Rose dismissed the question, "It doesn't matter what mine is, because I'll never pull off whatever you did."

Although she was the world's best female assassin, Black Rose was uncertain of her final straw. It most likely had something to do with her mood. If others paid her enough, she would go for the kill.

On the contrary, there were times where she refused the money because she just didn't feel like killing.

She was in a bad mood!

"Yes, I know. I'll learn from you," Frieda chimed.

Black Rose's expression returned to her usual cold demeanor as she ordered, "Get up. Let's go to the United States."

Frieda got up on her feet and whispered, "Do you have a boyfriend in the United States? You're extremely gorgeous and have such a good figure."

Frieda was telling the truth. Ever since she saw it all that day when she stripped Black Rose bare, she was envious of her figure and beauty.

Generally, women from the United States had curvy bodies, and they had more evident hourglass figures as compared to the woman in her country. Frieda knew that an individual like Black Rose had a particularly better physique than most United States celebrities. She wondered: wouldn't it be better if Black Rose was a celebrity? Why was she a killer instead?

She just couldn't wrap her head around it.

"Why should I have one?" Black Rose did not have a boyfriend. Many killers and bosses had pursued her, but she refused all of their courtings.

There was never a man that she took a second glance at.

She just wasn't interested in love.

"Still, you are extraordinarily beautiful," Frieda couldn't comprehend Black Rose's thoughts at all.

If Frieda had such a temptatious body figure and appearance, she would have long captivated all the men and toyed with them to her pleasure.

It was a pity that she couldn't do so, which was why Frieda admired and envied Black Rose greatly.

Black Rose shot a cold glare at Frieda and remarked, "Women should rely on themselves and their own ability, not using their beauty or figure!"

Black Rose never relied on her beauty. She was reminded that once, an influential figure from the United States was captivated by her at first glance.

As Black Rose was such a heartthrob, he was willing to fork out fifty million dollars for her to accompany him for merely three days.

Black Rose had turned him down. In the end, the man compromised and shortened the duration to only a day. Was there any woman in their right mind who would reject a job that could offer her fifty million dollars in a day?

Ultimately, Black Rose still declined him!

She even warned him that if he ever brought up the topic again, she would murder his entire family!


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