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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me novel Chapter 153

Chapter 153 The Sailor Suit

Natalie fetched the pills immediately and asked with concern, "Does your back hurt badly?"

Kendrick nodded, "Yeah, much more than that. My legs start to hurt too."

She glanced at the weather forecast.

It would rain tomorrow.

Therefore, he would feel more pain.

She gave him the pills and sat down again. She held his hand with a slight frown and stretched out her hand to caress his cheek, saying gently, "Please hold on a bit. The pain in the recovery period is rather obvious, but after that you will feel better."

He took the opportunity to intertwine her fingers.

He caressed her soft palm with his thumb.

Her hands were small and warm, and he didn't want to let go as he was holding them.

He felt obviously that her look and mood today were much better than those of the previous few days. She was not a sophisticated, deep or indifferent person, and she would smile when she was happy and frown when upset.

His feelings changed with her mood.

He would be in a bad mood when she felt sad and cried.

But when she was delighted and smiled, he would be in a sunny and upbeat mood, as if the spring was in his heart!

All he wanted for the rest of his life was that she could be safe and happy.

Nothing else was important to him!

Kendrick raised his hand and slowly smoothed her frowning brows, "Right, I can bear it."

Although they hurt, he still wanted her hug and comfort!

But he couldn't make her worry about him a lot!

She rolled up his trouser legs and applied the heat patch on his knees, which could promote blood circulation and help to ease the pain.

At that moment, something occurred to her suddenly. She looked up and said, "Dr. Stein said that you didn't train according to the plan!"

He was speechless.

She hadn't settled it with him yet!

"Well, probably, possibly..." He paused, "The training is a little bit overloaded."

He was sure that Cayden didn't reveal that he stood up.

Otherwise she wouldn't look like this.

"That is not allowed!" She frowned, her tone seeming to be coquettish and warning, "Look, recovery must be gradual. Just take your time!" Her face collapsed, "I will punish you if you dare to disobey Dr. Stein's instructions next time!"

"Nothing like that will happen again!" He behaved rather delicately.

Her lips curved and gave him gentle encouragement, "Life is long. We have goals and know what we want to do, so we won't waste time. Just don't be in a rush."

She gave him chicken soup for the soul.

But he didn't have any bad vibes about it at all. He just thought that she was smart and sober and that she was the perfect candidate for his soul mate.

After saying that, she lowered her head to massage his legs for him. Seeing that he could bend his knees successfully, she was so happy that she couldn't hide the joy on her face.

She pinched the muscles of his legs and said to him, "It's much harder than before."

He curved his lips when hearing that.

It's an ambiguous smile.

Suddenly, she remembered those strange questions that he had asked her with bad intentions.

She lowered her head immediately.

But he had already held her wrist.

"Where?" asked he.

She gritted her teeth and refused to let him take her hands.


"Don't what?" He raised his eyebrows.

He just took her hand.

And nothing was done!

But she became rather shy by that single move.

The color rushed into her cheeks.

"Well, they just don't hurt at all!" She ground her teeth, "It's getting late. You should go to bed early!"

She bent down and kissed his cheek, "I'll go back tonight to deal with some work. Just be good!"

The last few words coaxed him to let go of her hand.

"All right. Be careful and call me when you get home!" He raised his hand to pinch her small jaw and lowered his voice, "From now on, just don't hang up on me!"


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