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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me novel Chapter 167

Chapter 167 Natalie Is Sad

Natalie said with a calm expression, "I have seen the posts related to them on a forum. It's better to be cautious."

Maggie was still hesitating.

She turned to her brother and asked, "Ken, what do you think?"

"Listen to Nat."

Maggie was silent.

"I knew it!" she thought.

However, she still couldn't help but ask, "Don't you have your own opinion?"

Kendrick shook his head in silence.


Natalie pushed Kendrick upstairs and heard him say at the door, "Have you also put your people in the entertainment industry?"

"Well, due to my work, I have a lot of interaction with people in the industry and know some insider information."

Kendrick asked no more questions and took a bath himself.

His legs were much stronger now. Apart from not being able to stand or walk, his other leg functions had basically returned. The surgery removed his scars and left his entire body much lighter than before.

When bathing in the tub, he couldn't help but be curious.

He thought, "Has she really never had any contact with medicine?

Then why would she understand neuromodulation?

Did someone specifically teach her?"

Kendrick had never witnessed Natalie doing surgery.

It was just that she was discovered by him the other day while she was suturing his wound.

Then he learned that she was also in the operating room during his surgery.

However, Natalie never directly revealed to him what she had done or what her medical level was.

There was still a big difference between a rookie and a top-notch.

Getting started and getting proficient were not the same thing.

Kendrick felt that the matter was confused from beginning to end, as if a mist existed at the root.

There was so much about her that made him curious.

There were many secrets hidden.

However, she had never specifically disclosed it to him.


Natalie watched him obediently go to the bathroom to take a bath. After coming out, he lay on the bed and wiped his hair with a towel.

She walked over, picked up a hair dryer, and asked, "Do you want me to dry your hair for you?"

Kendrick looked very self-restrained and didn't answer her.

Natalie felt funny and said, "What's wrong with you?" She turned on the hair dryer and patiently blew his hair. From time to time, she reached out to fiddle with the fringe on his forehead and stared at his face.

Kendrick was born extremely handsome.

His features were strong, his outline clear, and his jaw-line sharp. When his thin lips were tightly pressed, his cold and sharp demeanor immediately exuded, making him look unapproachable. However, when he smiled, he looked very gentle.

And now, his expression was so serious that there was no trace of a smile on his face.

"What are you thinking?" Natalie asked, "Why are you silent all the time?"

"I'm behaving myself!" said Kendrick.

Natalie was amused and felt that he was really stingy but also very cute. She put down the hair dryer, took his face in her hands, and kissed him fiercely. Then she said, "Stop being so enigmatical with me!"

Natalie said this in a tone of great overbearingness.

Kendrick let out a sneer.

He said in his heart, "I must remain unmoved and cold!"

Natalie wiped his hair with a towel and ran her fingers through the tips. Meanwhile, she said, "If you are still unable to stand and walk by the end of this month, we'll need Dr. Gentry to arrange a second surgery for you."

"Will he be in charge of the surgery?"

Natalie lowered her eyes.

She thought, "I cannot do the surgery for Kendrick.

After injecting C7, my heart can no longer withstand such high-pressure intensity. Nor can I concentrate all my energy on the operating table. I won't be able to hold it.

I'm just like the protagonist in The Little Mermaid.

She surrendered her tail and voice because of the prince, becoming unable to speak and walking on the tip of a knife for a lifetime.

And I may never be able to hold a scalpel in the operating room again.

If it's worse..."

Natalie put her thoughts aside and said, "Dr. Gentry is your attending doctor. He knows your situation the best, so don't worry."


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