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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me novel Chapter 180

Chapter 180 Regain Dominance 

The medical examination reports were all about routine items, showing that Natalie only had anemia, and there were no other major problems. 

Kendrick thought, "Didn't I say that all physiological and biochemical indicators need to be tested? Why did she just have a routine examination?" 

Kendrick immediately called the director of the hospital and asked him about it. 

The director replied trembling, "Mrs. Ramsey went back after the basic project of the physical examination. We advised her to do a cardiopulmonary and thoracic CT according to your wishes, but she said it was very troublesome and she didn't have time for the time being." 

The director was very clever. He shifted the blame to Natalie. 

His words indicated that it was none of his business and that he had already informed Natalie according to Kendrick's request, but Natalie didn't listen to him. 

Kendrick pressed his lips and hung up the phone. 

He thought, "Good, very good. 

I gave her too much freedom. 

Now she dares to follow her own temperament in everything. 

She had hidden her illness from me. Now she didn't even want to have a health checkup. 

I must regain my dominance in the family! 

No one dares to disobey me." 


After the routine items, Natalie went home directly. On the way home, she read the medical examination reports and found she just had anemia and should pay attention to her diet and rest more, and there was no big problem. 

She didn't do a cardiopulmonary examination because she thought it was troublesome, a waste of time, and useless. 

Natalie thought, "I'm clear about my own physical condition. The doctors dare not offend Kendrick and will report everything in detail to him. They may make a fuss, and I will probably not even be allowed to go to the company at that time." 

At seven o'clock, Kendrick got home. 

Natalie just came down from upstairs and saw that Kendrick didn't mean to say hello to her. She naturally put her outstretched hand behind her ears and pretended to run her fingers through her hair. 

Sure enough, Kendrick mentioned the matter at the table. 

Natalie said, "I have done all the medical examinations. Nothing else is necessary. Besides, it was too late, and the doctors would get off work soon." Natalie pressed her lips and continued, "Their families must be waiting for them to go home and have dinner together, so I didn't want to waste their time." 

Kendrick was speechless. 

He said calmly, "Then go to the hospital tomorrow." 

Natalie reminded Kendrick, "Tomorrow I'll have a retrospective meeting. I have to prepare my report." 

"I will notify all departments to postpone the meeting." 

Natalie looked at Kendrick in disbelief and said, "Don't be so capricious!" 

"I don't think I am the capricious one." Kendrick put down the fork in his hand and looked up at Natalie, which made her turn her face away. 

Kendrick thought, "I'm absolutely right on this. 

So, I'm not going to back down. 

What's more, Natalie dared to hide it from me once, and she will do it again if I don't teach her a lesson. 

Based on this... 

She may dare to hide something more important from me in the future!" 

Natalie compromised and said, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have kept this matter from you!" 

Kendrick thought Natalie didn't confess her fault sincerely. 

Kendrick asked calmly, "Is that all?" 

He was calculatingly trying to get words out of Natalie. 

Natalie didn't know how to answer, because she knew there were so many things that she didn't tell Kendrick. 

Seeing Natalie's expression, Kendrick knew that she still kept something from him. He looked at Natalie with deep eyes, as if saying, "Sure enough, I know you've been hiding a lot of things from me." 

After warning Natalie in a soft way, Kendrick pretended to be generous and said, "I allow you to keep something from me, but since I know about this, you can't go through the motions." He continued to say coldly and forcefully, "I will arrange for top international cardiologists to come and examine you." 

Kendrick didn't tell Natalie that the cardiologists were expected to arrive next week. 


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