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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me novel Chapter 194

Chapter 194 He Would Only Be Better Until She Touched Him A Lot And Felt Sore

Kendrick, who was rather self-respecting, suffered for a long time and finally got the gentle touch of Natalie.

As if he were a little child, he began to whimper happily and told himself secretly to cheer up. He thought that he couldn't be softhearted and thus give in because of her touch, and that he must show her how tough he was!

He was not that easy to get round, was he?

He would only be better until she touched him a lot and felt sore.

So this time, he just let her stroke his head and that was it.

Next time she must kiss him.

But when would she do that?

After kissing, he still wanted to...

He began to shed tears.


In the early morning, Natalie began to be in a daze after waking up.

She couldn't help but think about what had happened last night.

She thought of Kendrick, who was restraint obviously but looked rather emotional. His eyes were reddish about the rims slightly and he sweated a bit on his forehead. He kissed her and whispered her name unconsciously.

He was driving her crazy.

But he seemed to be rather happy, didn't he?

As he held her at night, he said in a deep and gentle voice. He became thoughtful and asked her whether she felt sore with her hands.

Of course she did!

If she hadn't scratched her nails accidentally in the end, she might have broken her hand!

She coughed and yanked her mind back.

"I'm going to the hospital today. If I come back too late, just don't wait for me to have dinner together!" After telling Kendrick about it, she took the scarf she had bought him before and put it around his neck. She bent down and kissed him on the cheek.

He had slacked off for a few days.

Seth came to visit Kendrick personally and finally persuaded the latter to deal with the turmoil of Ramsey Finance.

Kendrick's plan was to allow the group to go bankrupt and then he would reorganize it completely. He then acquired 51% of its shares through Honest Securities, which he spent lots of his efforts on operation. It was also a company he fully controlled. In that circumstance, Ramsey Finance's shares would be adjusted and the largest shareholder would become Honest Securities with Kendrick himself behind the scenes.

Natalie hopped his rides and went to the hospital. As she read the financial news, she saw some discussions about it. There was a post analyzing that it might be KC's work. The way that Ramsey Group was short sold and its capital chain was broken was exactly the same way that a securities company on a famous financial street had seven years ago.

At that time, the financial circle all discussed about the doer. Which institution did it exactly?

In the forum, someone detailed all the steps of short selling, which amounted to direct provocation.

It was the first time that KC had appeared in public.

His identity, background and age were mysterious.

The only thing that could be sure was that he was a naive man, because he forgot to change his account which exposed that he stayed with his wife.

After so many years have passed, KC should have been his middle age. Perhaps he had already become a greasy man who dealt with the family chores all day. Well, the ultimate destination for men was still the family.

The news got Natalie.

She didn't notice that Kendrick glanced at her, "What are you reading? You are rather serious."

"I'm reading the analysis of the financial turmoil of the group." She said to him, "It is maliciously short sold by someone."

He was rather unimpressed, "Well, with such a loophole, isn't it normal for someone to make it go short?" And then he restrained his look and said, "The most important thing now is to find a way to save the group. Apart from that, nothing matters."

She nodded and guessed from his look that he might have come out with a solution.

"Well, that KC seems to be amazing." She moved on, "It seemed that he was just an adult when he became famous in the investment circle."

His gaze fell deeply on her face.

Was he jealous just because she praised someone else?

"He is not bad." He restrained his tone, "What? Are you curious about him?"

"No. Why am I interested in a middle-aged man?" She smiled and held his face.


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