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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me novel Chapter 198

Chapter 198 Susan Is Back

Susan was Seth's youngest sister.

She was now fifty-five years old.

She was elegant and kind in temperament.

"Who are you going to fire?" After the black suit bodyguard opened the door, Susan asked, "Tell me, Melvin, what mistakes did these people make? Why would you, an M-level manager, fire them personally?"

The moment Melvin saw Susan, his expression froze on the spot.

He thought in shock, "Hasn't she been undergoing chemotherapy for her intracerebral tumor that cannot be removed? She is blind in one eye, and I have even heard that she is dying. At that time, I was thinking about how to divide her shares if she died. After all, she owns nearly 20% of the entire group's shares alone, which gives her an absolute say in many decisions.

It has not been a long time, has it?

Why would she suddenly appear here and look so healthy?

Has the tumor in her head already been removed?

Is it not that no doctor dares to operate on her?

Can it be that she's just feeling a little better before her death? Or that she wants to die in her homeland?"

Melvin was dumbfounded for a long time before asking, "Is your tumor gone? Shouldn't you be undergoing chemotherapy?"

Susan smiled lightly and said, "It sounds like you are not hoping for me to get better."

At that moment, Natalie had already stood up and obediently said, "Susan, please sit down here."

Susan sat down in a chair and patted Natalie's hand. "Don't be afraid. If there are any problems, we will solve them one by one."

After saying that, she glanced at everyone's faces. "I was unable to handle many things due to my illness, which led to a decline in business. It was my fault, and I am sorry. Fortunately, with the combined efforts of everyone in the fourth quarter, we achieved our annual goal. This time, I came back from Audale specifically to thank my colleagues in the fashion and beauty line for their hard work."

After that, she specifically added, "No one can deny your achievements!"

People in the fashion department, who had been crestfallen after Melvin's criticism, suddenly had a cheerful look on their faces, almost cheering and jumping.

They thought coincidentally, "In the fight within the senior management, we ordinary people are always the ones who suffer a lot.

In the morning, as soon as I arrived at the company, I was called into a meeting by the human resources manager. I was even criticized by Melvin, who has nothing to do with our department. How ridiculous!

No wonder Ms. Quinn didn't panic at all when she just came in.

It turns out that she has someone backing her up!"

Susan's gaze fell on Melvin, and in front of so many people, she bluntly criticized him, "You caused such a big mess in the financial business, which almost broke the group's capital chain. Therefore, you should repent and try your best to solve the problem, instead of making trouble again at such a critical moment and causing disharmony within the group."

The sedimentation of time had made her elegant and gentle, but she was still a member of the Ramsey family.

Gentleness and courtesy were just out of her cultivation.

Melvin, however, was shameless. Even now, he still cheekily said, "The plan to reduce the budget of the fashion department was proposed by Kendrick. He is busy dealing with the financial crisis now, and I just want to lighten his burden."

Three months ago, the fashion department was in a mess.

As a result, there was no problem with streamlining the budget and reducing expenses.

Later, Seth put Natalie in this department to train her, so Kendrick took the opportunity to postpone the proposal. Otherwise, the budget and manpower would be reduced, and Natalie would be unable to do anything. In that case, she would not have been able to sign those anchors and beauty bloggers to promote the brands, nor would she have had so many colleagues to help her.

Natalie had just learned about this.

She finally understood why Seth would say that Kendrick had been pampering her with no bottom line or principles.

Susan instructed in an earnest tone, "Everything should be treated dialectically. The plan to cut the budget was proposed three months ago, and now things are different. Now, all the brands have exceeded their annual sales figures, and the entire department is also turning losses into profits. I will reconvene a board meeting to draw up a strategic plan for next year. You are welcome to attend the class.

"And, I want to know how the chairman allocated businesses. Why would you interfere in the business of the fashion department that has nothing to do with you? It seems that a new board meeting must be held as soon as possible to avoid anyone from being unable to distinguish his own rank and responsibilities."

Her tone was gentle, but her attitude was clearly overbearing.

The implication was that Melvin had no right to interfere in her business.


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