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My Disabled CEO Stood up And Kissed Me novel Chapter 61

Chapter 61 Poor at Communicating with Girls 

Natalie asked, "Can't I go in without it?" 

The staff member nodded. "Of course, it is the rule." 

Natalie pointed at the man who had just gone in and asked, "He didn't show it to you just now. Why did you let him in?" 

The staff member pursed his lips and asked, "Do you know who he is?" 

"A Heavyweight guest?" Natalie casually replied and shouted, "Sir, please wait!" 

When Owen turned around, he found Natalie stopped at the entrance, so he walked over. 

Natalie said, "I paid for your taxi fare just now!" 

"Thank you," Owen said, thinking he should not have forgotten to express his thanks. 

"You're welcome!" 

Owen had no change but a 20-dollar bill. When he had given it to her, she had said she had no change either and told him to forget it. 

Owen guessed she regretted it now, so he took out the 20-dollar bill, handed it to her, and said, "Please keep the change!" 

Natalie was speechless. What a weird man! 

Then, she said, "I want to participate in this academic exchange meeting, but I don't have a ticket. Can you please take me in?" 

Owen said, "Huh? Okay, no problem." 

Then, he walked to the staff member who was in charge of the check-in and politely said, "This is my friend. We will attend the meeting together. Thank you." 

After they left the check-in desk, Natalie said, "Thank you! They said you are a heavyweight guest today." 

"Really?" Owen modestly smiled, "I will deliver a speech on stage." 

Then, he curiously looked at her and asked, "Are you a medical student?" 

Well, her face always made people mistakenly think of her as a college student. Maybe it was also because she was dressed casually today. 

She casually replied, "Yes, I study at Goldburg Medical University." 

Owen said in surprise, "I am your senior alumni!" 

Natalie thought, “Senior alumni? I am your senior!” 

But she did not want to continue this topic, so she waved her hand and said, "Hurry up and go in. The meeting is about to start." 

When they arrived at the door, an elder walked over and said, "Owen, you returned to Hamgrad yesterday, so it must a bit hasty for you to attend the meeting today. Have you drafted your speech?" 

"Why?" Owen said in confusion, "Mr. Shaw, I don't need to draft my speech." 

Mr. Shaw was speechless. 

Looking at Natalie, he asked, "Is this your girlfriend?" 

Natalie sighed in her heart that matter where people were, their parents and mentors were always concerned about their emotional lives. But she had also noticed the elder had called the young man Owen. 

"Mr. Shaw, you misunderstood. She is a student at Goldburg Medical University. I am just her alumni!" 

"Really?" Mr. Shaw raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's your name? Are you an undergraduate or graduate student? What is your major?" 

Natalie was speechless. 

When she was about to tell him about her research during her doctoral period, a group of people suddenly came over. 

Mr. Shaw hurriedly walked toward the leader and said, "Sir, nice to meet you." 

When Natalie took the opportunity to slip away, Owen caught up with her and said, "I'll ask the staff to add a seat for you next to me. The seats have the attendees’ names on the back, so you can't sit at will." 

Natalie looked at him and asked, "Are you Owen Gentry?" 

"Yes." Owen asked in surprise, "Do you know me?" 

Natalie nodded, calmly looked at him, and declined, "Thank you, but I can sit in the back row." 


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