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My Fair Stunner novel Chapter 372

Chapter 372 The Rumor Ends with the Dead

Fanny's singing stopped suddenly when Faye drove on Yhane Expressway.

Right under all of Faye's nose, Fanny jumped off the highway bridge.

As the wind wailed, Fanny was falling like a torn piece of paper.

Faye couldn't help trembling at what she saw in front of her. "Bang!" Her car crashed into the expressway fence.

Just the same as Shepard and Daisy in that very year.

With the airbag in the car popped up, she was protected in the driver's seat, muddled.

In a trance, she seemed to see Daisy and Shepard.

Daisy smiled at her, "Faye, let Mom make cold cake (cake made of glutinous rice served cold in summer) for you. Shall I?"

Shepard stood beside Daisy with a same loving smile. "Faye, hug me and I'll lift you high!"

Faye's pupils of her eyes were dilated, she stayed still.

The scene in front of her changed. Daisy pushed her down in the corner of wall, then Faye was beaten black and blue.

"Why you are a girl? If you were a boy, your dad wouldn't betray me!"

"Why not go to hell? You don't want to die, then make yourself into physical disability. If you were disabled, I could report to the housing estate to have another child."

Faye felt her stomach convulsed, gradually, she couldn't breathe easily.

A few minutes later, the police car and ambulance alarmed together.

Sitting in her car, Faye already totally lost self-consciousness.

Medical staff found her, clapped the car window and talked to her.

Faye had a glazed look in her eyes, she didn't respond at all.

"Hey girl?"

"Is she scared?"

Seeing her state, two paramedics thought she was scared. When they were discussing how to open the car door, a low and trembling voice came from behind, "I'll do it."

The two paramedics looked back at the voice, they were taken aback seeing Colin's bloodshot eyes.

One of the paramedics couldn't help to open his mouth and ask, "You are..."

Colin, "The one in the car is my wife."

After his words Colin walked to the car window.

Only cast a glance at her, Colin felt his heart tighten suddenly.

Colin didn't clap the car window. Turned around, he took out a baseball bat from the trunk of his car and smashed the rear windows of Faye's car brutally.

Until he smashed a hole in the window, he stretched out his hand to open the car door from inside.

Colin bent into the car, his tall body crouched, stepped over the central control and finally sat in the front passenger seat. He stared at Faye for several seconds, then stretched out to hug Faye, said in a mute voice, "Darling."

Faye shivered suddenly as if some switch was touched. Unexpectedly, she began to struggle and scream in Colin's arms. Her hands waving blindly, scratched Colin's face and neck, and streaks of blood appeared.

Colin held Faye in his arms tightly, he felt his heart bleeding.

Five minutes later, Colin lifted Faye who was fainted out of the car.

Upon seeing this, medical staff waiting outside came forward hurriedly and said, "The ambulance is over there."

Colin said in a cracked voice, "Thanks."

On the way to hospital, Colin made a phone call to Jake.

The phone got through. Colin said in a low voice, "Come to Yhane Hospital."

Jake, "What happened?"

Colin, "Faye fell ill."

Jake paused, then asked, "What's the situation now?"


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