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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131 


Don’t you trust what I said anymore? You’re misunderstanding Maisy. Maisy is obedient and sensible. She would never date Christopher

Your boyfriend is too ambitious, always aiming for something too far out of reach. If you someone, blame yourself for having poor judgment and choosing a boyfriend who is fickle.” 

Sadie almost instinctively defended Maisy

Between Maisy and Skylar, she had alwa 

et blame 

prioritized Maisy. But after speaking, she suddenly had 

doubts. It seemed she had never considered how Skylar might feel

Yet another voice emerged, asserting that if Maisy wasn’t wrong, then it must be Skylar’s fault. Someone had to pay for their mistakes

Skylar’s gaze was cold as she looked at Sadie. Her gaze was deep and emotionless, as if she could see through the malice in Sadie’s nature

Mom, let’s not talk about this today.Peter felt the conversation was straying further off course

There would be plenty of time in the future to make Skylar feel at home in the Williams family

Sure, we’ve had our fair share of misunderstandings. But hey, we’re family, right? At the end of the day

that’s what matters most

could We have some tough times ahead, and we must stick together to overcome them. The family really use your help right now, and if you pitch in, we’ll all acknowledge you,Peter offered, tempting Skylar with a hint of recognition and belonging

Previously, Skylar had tried to please them, but now she adopted an air of indifference. Yet, it was all a plan to draw their concern. It was time for them to indulge her

Jeffrey took a deep breath and softened his tone. He didn’t hold onto the harsh words Skylar had just 


We’re family,he said. No matter what you’ve done wrong, we’ll forgive you. I know you’re angry because we didn’t stand up for you.” 

He added, That was because you smeared Maisy on social media. I had already planned your way out, to send you abroad for a few years. When you come back after a few years, you can work at Williams Group.” 

Skylar had never seen them submit before, especially not Jeffrey and Peter. The two were father and son, who had always looked at her with the same sarcastic eyes

Now, they looked the same. It seemed prideful yet benevolent, as if saying, Look! We are giving you a chance. Now cherish it.” 

She felt that it was laughable because she wanted to know their motives. Without benefits or motives, neither of them would likely lower their heads

Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?she asked

Chapter 131 


Jeffrey’s eyes lit up as he said, Let your brother talk to you about it.” 

I know you know Paul well, and you two must have a good relationship with him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have stood up for you,Peter began

He added in a soft tone, When a man stands up for a woman, it usually means he is interested in her. Paul definitely likes you

If you two are in a relationship, then it would be easy. Just give him a call and ask him to persuade Mr. Martin to continue collaborating with the Williams family.” 

If you’re not in a relationship, then agree to date him and try to persuade Mr. Martin.” 


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