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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 15

Chapter 15 

He was stunned for a few minutes. That was fast

He replied suspiciously, Are you there, Ms. Sullivan?” 

There was no reply

Paul stared at his phone for another ten minutes

There were no further replies from Skylar. Paul breathed a sigh of relief. He must have been overthinking 

just now

Skylar didn’t know that Paul was overanalyzing her replies. After her shower, she was already feeling 


She asked Joe whether he’d prefer the left or right side of the bed. Then, she laid down immediately

Before she slept, she saw Paul’s message when she was switching her phone to silent mode. She had 

checked it and set it aside

Joe brought his clothes into the bathroom. When he was closing the door, he saw that Skylar was already 


He was slightly surprised

Was she pretending to be asleep

She looked pretty convincing. Her acting skills were so good, one would think she was a trained actor

After half an hour, he walked out of the bathroom, fully dressed. He saw that Skylar still had the same 

sleeping posture

He couldn’t help but think that she was quite persistent

He wasn’t used to sleeping beside a woman. After he lay down on the bed, he realized that Skylar wasn’t moving at all

When he heard her even breathing, his face fell. He couldn’t believe she was really sleeping

When he turned to turn off the lights, he realized that there were two pillows in the middle of the bed. It divided the bed into two, making the boundaries extremely clear. He raised his eyebrows coldly

Was sheguarding herself against him

Joe pursed his thin lips

She was clearly overthinking! Her actions were totally unnecessary. Even if she had been naked before him, he wouldn’t have even taken a glance at her

Joe fell into a dreamless slumber

Chapter 15 


When he woke up, he thought it was still midnight. He was stunned for a moment when he saw a ray of sunlight seeping through the curtains

Had he slept through the entire night

At the same time, Skylar turned over and woke up 

When she opened her eyes and saw Joe sitting in front of her, she was a bit dazed. She was really not 

used to her new marital status

She smiled awkwardly at Joe. Good morning,she said

Joe paused for a second on Skylar’s pale face. Good morning.” 

I’m going to change.Skylar got out of bed

Joe got up too. He put on his watch and looked at the time. It was 7:15 am

They took turns washing up. Then, they walked out of the room around the same time

Gloria had woken up early. She had heard from Edgar that Joe and Skylar were still sleeping. She had waited for them from 5:30 am to 7:30 am. The more she waited, the happier she felt

She knew Joe very well. He was healthy when he was young, but after he’d grown up, he suffered from 

insomnia for no reason

It was rare to see him sleep for such a long time! This had only happened after he’d shared his bed with Skylar. In the past, he would only wake up at this hour if he had jet lag from working overseas

When she saw the two of them walking down the stairs, she smiled broadly at them and said, Come have breakfast. I’ve prepared both Western and Chinese dishes.” 

Are you feeling better, Grandma?Skylar was concerned with Gloria’s health

I’m feeling better. Don’t worry about me.Gloria was concerned that Skylar would worry about her too 


She knew herself well, and she knew how much longer she could hold herself together

She wished that she could hold on until Joe and Skylar were really together. Did Joe think that she didn’t know they weren’t an actual couple

She was a shrewd old lady

Gloria stared at Joe

He was goodlooking. He looked less cold today since he was well rested. You look like you’ve had a good night’s sleep!” 

Yeah, it wasn’t too bad.Joe intentionally ignored Gloria’s teasing gaze

Not bad? Didn’t you fall asleep before 10.00 pm last night? You slept past 7:00 am this morning. Last 

night’s sleep was more than you had in a week, right?” 

Gloria couldn’t stand his cold face. He’d slept for almost ten hours, but it was just not bad

Joe was speechless

Is she even his biological grandmother

Skylar looked at Joe when she heard Gloria. Was his insomnia that bad

She’d heard Gloria talk about it before. She hadn’t paid much attention then, but now she felt slightly. alarmed after hearing it in person

Hadn’t he fallen asleep easily when she’d given him a massage the day before

Skye, Edgar said he couldn’t remember the acupuncture points you showed him. Could you come back. and demonstrate it for him again tonight?Gloria asked Skylar

Okay, Grandma,Skylar agreed happily

There were indeed a lot of acupuncture points on the head. It was hard to remember them after just one 


She’d draw a diagram with all the acupuncture points marked clearly for him tonight

Joe’s eyes darkened when he saw how readily Skylar agreed. It made him believe that she was at 

scheming person.

Not only was she trying to please Gloria, she was also taking the opportunity to get close to him

Perhaps he should ask Paul to investigate Christopher

Their threeyear contract might need to be terminated earlier

He couldn’t allow a scheming person to be around Gloria. He realized that he had been way too hasty when they had registered their marriage


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