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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 284

Chapter 284 

If Joe never had the chance to meet that special person, Skylar was fine with 

maintaining their marriage while they stayed as friends. After all, physical intimacy had nothing to do with love

Okay, but be prepared. I’ve quite the appetite,Skylar teased with a mischievous smile

She truly enjoyed this perk as his wife

Seeing Skylar’s smile, Joe’s usual icy expression gradually softened. He couldn’t help but grin as he answered, Don’t worry. I’m great at earning money, so eat as much as you like

Well then, darling, I want more beef chunks. Please order another serving!Skylar playfully winked at Joe, her smile radiant

Under normal circumstances, she couldn’t bring herself to call him darling. However, since they were joking around, it felt okay to say it

Skylar even emphasized the word deliberately

Meanwhile, Joe’s gaze darkened slightly the second the word darlingescaped her lips. A thought crossed his mind. If she were to call him darlinginstead of Mr. Martinin bed, then…. 

Okay,Joe answered softly as he tried to suppress the desire surging within him

Skylar thought the dinner had broken the ice between them. They were no longer as polite, and it felt more comfortable being around each other

Regardless, she still had a good sense of boundaries

Skylar was constantly aware of the invisible line between them and ensured she did

not cross it

When they left the restaurant, she smiled at Joe. Thank you, Mr. Martin. Dinner tonight was fantastic!” 

Joe furrowed his brows at the words Mr. Martin.. 

Why aren’t you calling me darling anymore?he asked

Skylar blushed. She could not bring herself to say it now. I was just joking earlier, she explained

From now on, you can call me darling. I like it.Joe looked intently at Skylar

Skylar was stunned. The way Joe gazed at her was confusing. It was as if he genuinely liked her

That was impossible

Suddenly, the word darlingfelt like a hot coal in her mouth. She avoided his enigmatic gaze and said, I’ll go get the car.” 

But Joe followed her into the car

Skylar was surprised. Aren’t you going to ride in your own car?” 

Whenever he got into her small car, he looked out of place. It was like trying to squeeze an elephant through a mouse hole

Joe replied, I’ve told the driver to leave, so I’m riding with you.” 

Upon hearing that, Skylar didn’t say anything more.. 

Unbeknownst to her, Charles had just emerged from the restaurant and witnessed the pair getting into the car

He was stunned at the sight. Who’s that man?he exclaimed

Puzzled by the question, Charlesfriend followed his gaze and asked, What man?” 


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