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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 286

Chapter 286 

Bullshit! What the hell are you spouting?Samuel’s face was flushed with anger. He wasn’t about to be intimidated by Charles

Why would he be afraid of a brute from the countryside

Enough! If you two keep this up and someone takes a video of it, the director will be furious. Just drop it!The assistant director, Vincent Brown, stepped in to break up the fight

Charles shot Samuel a fierce glare, but he respected Vincent enough to back off. However, it didn’t mean he forgave Samuel

To Charles, Samuel was just a coward who was all bark and no bite

Feigning his composure, Samuel said, I’ll let it go this time for Vincent’s sake, but 

there won’t be a next time.” 

You’re right. If there’s a next time, I’ll beat you to a pulp.Charles clenched his fists, ready for a fight. He had never backed down from a brawl

At Charles’s intimidating stance, uncertainty flickered in Samuel’s eyes. He cursed 

inwardly, thinking Charles was nothing but a brute

Still, he retorted, Charles, even if you had a hundred chances, you wouldn’t dare!” 

Alright, enough! It’s getting late now. Everyone, head back to the hotel and get some 

rest. We’ve got an early shoot tomorrow. Keep it together!Vincent impatiently urged 

them to disperse

No one else dared to say anything at this point. Though deep down, Samuel harbored a growing hatred for Charles

Once he got into his Ferrari, Samuel called Peter. I just saw Skylar. She was with 

some boy toy. We used to think too highly of her. Now, she’s just a selfdegrading 

whore. There’s no way she’s behind the trouble at our company. You are overthinking it.” 

Don’t speak of Skylar anymore. I don’t want to hear about her. Focus on your acting

By the way, if you have money in your account, send Kenny a few hundred thousand

Peter replied

Hearing Peter’s impatience, Samuel didn’t push further. He didn’t have much money: in his account. His high spending habits left him with little savings, but being

celebrity meant he earned a lot as well

Thus, he transferred 200 thousand dollars to Kenny and then called him

Kenny, I’ve sent you some money. From now on, Maisy is our only sister. Don’t bring up Skylar’s relationship with us to anyone,Samuel said

He continued, It’s so embarrassing. I just saw her with a random man. How much can she make at Gardner Group? Instead of picking herself up after being dumped, she went for a boy toy. It’s disgusting.” 

Don’t talk about Skylar like that,Kenny replied. She’s our sister, after all. And it’s better to clear up some things; last time, we misunderstood her. As for MaisySkylar indeed can’t compare to her.” 

His tone became a bit strange toward the end. But Samuel didn’t notice over the 


Samuel had just been beaten by Charles. Now, he had a head full of resentment toward everyone related to the man

Skylar has nothing on Maisy. Maisy would never casually sleep with other men,” 

Samuel said, full of confidence


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