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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 309

Chapter 309 

Maisy’s heart raced. She knew she had to keep the Williamses from sensing that anything was off

Yes, I want to talk to you,Maisy said, lowering herself. Can we go somewhere 

more private?” 

Skylar raised an eyebrow. Alright.” 

The two walked further away, leaving the others curious about their conversation

Do you think Maisy is humbling herself to beg Skylar to stop causing trouble?Samuel speculated, frowning

Kenny watched them intently. Maisy was typically gentle and understanding, quite the contrast to the assertive Skylar. He worried Maisy might get hurt and was ready to intervene if necessary

Meanwhile, Peter approached Jeffrey with a gloomy look. Dad, we need to prepare ourselves. Mom’s condition seems quite seriousboth her legs might be broken

Jeffrey’s face turned ashen. Trust the doctors. They’ll fix her legs. Sadie will be fine

Our family can’t afford any more trouble right now.” 

Yeah, let’s hope so.Peter agreed, but he couldn’t shake the ominous feeling that things might worsen for their family. He had a gut feeling that Sadie’s condition 

would be dreadful

Peter glanced over at Skylar’s figure, recalling how carefree she seemed and how 

she’d been calmly looking at her phone


An idea struck himcould Skylar be the key to resolving their problems

Maybethey needed Skylar to get through all these obstacles

Meanwhile, Maisy spoke desperately, How did you getthat video? I hope you can delete it. I’ll agree to any condition you set.” 

It doesn’t matter how I got it. What matters is what you’re willing to offer for me to delete it,Skylar replied coldly. She suddenly felt like playing a small game of cat and 

mouse with Maisy

Maisy frowned deeply. What do you want? Is it my sports car? Dad gave it to me for my birthday, but you can have it if you delete the video and make sure no one else sees it.” 

I don’t want your car,Skylar said 


A secondhand car driven by Maisy? Skylar couldn’t have cared less. Even Joe’s collection of limitededition cars had failed to impress her. To her, a car was just

means to get from one place to another

So what do you want, then? Skylar, keeping that video won’t do anything except 

make the family hate me,Maisy said with her voice edged with desperation

Why was Skylar being so difficult to deal with

What I want is simple. I want you to die,Skylar said, emphasizing the word die, letting it hang heavily in the air

Before Skylar had been reborn, she’d been tormented to the point of wishing for death. In her final moments, she’d sworn that neither Maisy nor Christopher would 

meet a good end

Maisy’s face paled. You’ve gone too far!” 

Skylar chuckled. Have you forgotten how you used to bully me?” 


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