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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 319

Chapter 319 

Skylar couldn’t help but wonder if Joe was treating her like a lost child. But despite her inner grumbling, she obediently sent Joe her location

In less than 20 minutes, Joe arrived in a hurry

The moment he saw Skylar, he reached out, pulled her into his arms, and kissed her passionately

Skylar was dumbfounded. What was he… 

After the kiss, Joe lowered his head to look at her. With his breath slightly heavy, he 

asked, Why did you go out alone?” 

When Joe had rushed back from the hospital, he’d found only Skylar’s suitcase in the room. She had been gone. He had asked Paul, but no one had known where she had 


Skylar hadn’t answered any of his calls. Didn’t she understand the danger

Skylar, still dazed from the kiss, looked confused. Can’t I go

t alone? This is 

tourist city, and I had nothing else to do at the hotel, so I went out for a stroll. Did 

youneed something?” 

Wasn’t Joe supposed to be at the hospital? The person who’d made him rush back to the hospital must be very important to him

Listening to Skylar’s nonchalant tone, Joe glanced again at the crowded pedestrian 

street and suddenly realized his earlier urgency had been somewhat irrational

For a moment, his expression turned grim

Seeing this, Skylar pointed to a nearby popular spot and said, How about we go there and wait in line for a photo?” 

Skylar looked at the spot eagerly as she wanted Joe to take a few photos. She was now dressed in a flowing sundress that exuded a fairylike beauty

Skylar’s suggestion seemed to make Joe relax a bit. He took her hand, and they walked toward the photo spot


Skylar glanced down at their interlocked hands. Joe’s hand fit perfectly in hers, with his warmth providing an unexpected sense of security. For a brief moment, her heart fluttered, and she felt a bit dazed

Then, a couple ahead of them unexpectedly captured her attention

Skylar snapped out of her thoughts when she was captivated by the stunning pair embracing each other. They seemed inseparable

The man tenderly kissed the woman on her forehead. They were clearly a couple deeply in love

Skylar couldn’t help but think of Joe’s earlier kiss. It had been so different from his 

usual aloof demeanorthe kiss had been so passionate and intense.. 

If they had been back at the hotel, surely they wouldn’t have been able to restrain 


Skylar’s heart sank as she realized where her thoughts had wandered. That kiss just 

now had stirred up emotions in herleading to uncontrollable places

When they finally reached the front of the line to take photos, Skylar handed her 

phone to Joe. Could you take a few pictures for me?” 


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