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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 455

Chapter 455 

Skylar and Joe left the Gardner Manor together. Joe was silent on the way back, a stark contrast to their lively conversation on the way there

Skylar had been preoccupied since their arrival at the manor. It wasn’t until they were almost back at Galaxy Villa that she noticed the shift in Joe’s demeanor

She worried she might have unknowingly upset him during their visit. Joe’s behavior 

seemed increasingly erratic lately

YouSkylar started hesitantly, but Joe’s cold gaze cut her off

Did she only just realize he had been there with her? Joe decided to remind her pointedly. I was with you at Gardner Manor. I stood just a few steps from that bronze artifact. While you fretted over John and Caleb and gave them your handmade amulets, did you even 

think of me?” 

If he hadn’t brought it up, she might not have realized it until they returned home

Was this what he was upset about

A soft chuckle escaped her lips. There are still some of Grandma Viola’s amulets at home. They’re definitely more powerful than mine. I only brought one today because Grandma Viola didn’t make many. I didn’t want to give them all away, so I thought I’d give you one 

when we got home.” 

A fleeting thought crossed her mindwas Joe jealous

On second thought, that seemed unlikely. He was probably just wary of the artifact’s influence. After all, the unsettling nature of the object could make anyone uneasy

A hint of a smile played on Joe’s lips. I don’t want Grandma Viola’s. I want one you create.” 

Skylar was surprised. Really? But mine might not be very effective.” 

She hadn’t tested them yet, and their success was uncertain. Only time would tell if they protected John and Caleb from nightmares

Yes,Joe simply replied

Skylar studied him with a curious glint in her eyes. Alright, then I’ll make one for you when we get back.” 

Chapter 495 

Joe smiled and acknowledged her with a hum


The following day was Saturday. Skylar received a message from Caleb. He reported a restful sleep, free of nightmares. He woke up a little tired but managed to get an early start 

after breakfast. Even Alexander seemed relatively unaffected

Reassured by Caleb’s message, Skylar felt confident in her amuletseffectiveness. After replying, she turned to Joe, who had just finished washing up. How did you sleep last night?she inquired


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