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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 466

Chapter 466 

Skylar immediately examined the photos on Alexander’s phone. She scanned each photo meticulously, not letting a single detail escape her scrutiny

Anxiety gnawed at Alexander. He fretted that his friend’s purchases might be problematic, a potential financial and mortal blow

Everything seems to be in order,Skylar finally declared after a comprehensive 


Relief washed over Alexander. Thank goodness. I feared everything he bought 

overseas was compromised. Now I can finally relax


He continued, I’ve been following your advice to rest and be mindful of my diet. It 

hasn’t caused any problems at all. In fact, thanks to your Grandma Viola’s amulet, I’m 

even getting an extra hour of sleep each night.

Skylar found comfort in his words. If you’re feeling well, then the influence of the bronze artifact likely wasn’t as severe as I initially thought.” 


Alexander nodded fervently. “Thank heavens for you. your intervention and finding your Grandma Viola, I would’ve surely fallen for this trap again. It’s strange


Over 30 years ago, something similar happened. After your Grandma Viola intervened, those tainted items vanished for years. Why are they resurfacing now?” 

As he spoke, his brows furrowed deeply

Someone must be deliberately bringing these items into Jipsburg.Skylar speculated, her expression serious

Alexander nodded thoughtfully. You might be right. I’ll have someone look into this.” 

Skylar decided to grab a quiek lunch break at the mall across the street. The basement food court, a haven of diverse eateries, was perfect for a solo meal

She opted for fondue, a nostalgic treat that hadn’t lost its appeal. As she savored 

Chapter 466 


each bite, she felt a presence settle across from her. A glance revealed a uniformed delivery person, someone she paid little attention to as she continued enjoying her 


However, the delivery person seemed fixated on her. Finally, their eyes met

Skylar’s expression darkened, a flicker of coldness crossing her features upon realizing it was Peter

She had encountered him numerous times beforealways confident, arrogant, and dismissive. Yet, this Peter was different. His face was unshaven, his demeanor 


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