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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 712

Chapter 712 

Drake asked, Popcom?” 

Skylar’s cheeks warmed at the disbelief in Drake’s voice. She realized it wasn’t every day someone called a doctor over something so trivial

Drake must think her craving was off the charts

But Joe’s tone was serious, as if he was discussing something crucial. After a brief pause, Drake finally agreed she could have some, but in moderation

Once Joe got the allclear, he told Skylar to wait. A few minutes later, he returned with a large bucket of popcorn. Skylar’s eyes lit up at the sight

Go ahead and enjoy it. You shouldn’t have to miss out on such a small pleasure while watching a movie,Joe said. His eyes reflected the same warmth and sparkle as hers

Skylar accepted the popcorn, her voice filled with happiness. Thank you.” 

The movie began, starting with lighthearted and cheerful moments. As the plot developed, it grew more intense, leading to a sudden and drastic turn of events

The main characters, who had been separated due to a misunderstanding, met again but were still burdened by unresolved issues

After finally clearing up their misunderstandings, the male lead was tragically killed in a car accident. The female lead believed he never loved her, so she married someone else and had children. Years later, she discovered the truth 

about his death

The final scene showed the female lead’s pale, shocked face as she learned the truth. What had begun as a seemingly promising story ended in a surreal, tragic twist

After the movie ended, Joe turned to Skylar and muttered, What a terrible movie. Both of them were too stubborn to talk it out. They might as well have been dead from the start.” 

He couldn’t help but wonder how Paul had ended up booking such a disappointing movie

Skyler took a while to recover. The movie wasn’t exactly good or bad, but the separation of two people who loved each other left her melancholic

Seeing Skylar’s silence, Jon thought the movie had affected her mood. He took her hand as they left the cinema and said We can talk about anything.” 

He meant that she could speak whatever was on her mind

Misunderstandings often arose from assumptions, and the terrible movie was 

a reminder

Skylar couldn’t help but smile. Yes, we can talk openly, Don’t worry, I’ll definitely let you know if something is up.” 

As they got into the car, Joe’s phone rang with a familiar turie that seemed unusually loud in the confined space


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