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My Flash Romance With the Richest Mogul novel Chapter 751

The buzz around Charles phenomenal PR team was undeniable, and Samuel couldn’t shake the feeding that Joe was the mastermind behind it all. He mused, If only Joe had supported me back then, I’d be on the path to winning an Oscar by now.” 

He was convinced of it. By this point, he would have been an acclaimed Oscar winner, enjoying all the fame and glory that came with it. And if the Martin family had supported them, the Williams family might have already staged a remarkable comeback

They could have even risen to become the most influential family in Jipsburg, second only to the Martins. But instead, they were living worse than beggars because Skylar refused to help them

Skye! OhMy stomachEverything hurtsIt hurts so much! Call the doctor! These doctors are useless. They’re going to kill me! I need to get 

out of here

I need to be transferred to another hospital. My daughter is here; she’ll help me transfer. Hurry, the doctor is comingSadie cried out, her voice. filled with exaggerated pain

What are you waiting for? Go find a doctor and get Mom transferred,Peter barked at Skylar

Move it! If you don’t help us transfer her, you’re practically killing Mom!Samuel added sharply

The trio was putting on a spectacle more dramatic than any soap opera

Skylar smirked and replied, The only ones killing her are herself and you two. This has nothing to do with me. If you’re looking to play the moral guilt card, go to Maisy.” 

The audacity of the Williams family never ceased to astonish her; they always found new ways to push her buttons

Other patients and their families in the ward looked bewildered, unsure of 

what to make of this chaotic scene 

But as Peter and Samuel continued their tirade and more information was revealed through their conversation, it became clearthe Williamses had brought this upon themselves

They were simply facing the consequences of their own actions, and their intentions were far from noble

A young girl nearby fixed her gaze on Peter and Samuel before suddenly recognizing Samuel. Wait, I know you, Samuel Williams. Your whole family is a mess! I can’t believe my friend used to have a crush on you. And this is how you treat your own mother

You’re disgusting. I see it all now. Even though she is your biological sister, you never treated her right or took care of her, and now you want to exploit her? You all have no shame!” 

Young people often spoke their minds freely, and this girl couldn’t hold back her contempt

Skylar offered the girl a warm smile, causing her to blush and lower her head in slight embarrassment

Turning her attention back to Sadie, Skylar said, If I were you, I’d reflect deeply on my mistakes and try to live the rest of my life with some honesty. Pretending to seek my forgiveness is pointless

Since the day of the car accident, I stopped expecting anything from you. To me, your entire family means less than strangers. You’ve tried to manipulate me time and again, and it hasn’t worked

So, if you have any sense, you’ll stop while you’re ahead. Push me too far, and things won’t end well for any of you.” 

With that, Skylar raised her hand and delivered swift slaps to both Peter and Samuel. The sharp sound echoed through the ward, leaving no doubt about the force behind it

Their already pale faces quickly reddened and swelled from the impact

You!they exclaimed in unison


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