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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1153

Selina nodded her head.

She lightly bit down on her lip, causing a small tinge of pearl-white to appear in a pinkish-red sea. She looked especially pitiful.

"Nothing can be absolutely perfect in this world. Anything you do could lead to regret," Matthew said, "Just like how the moon waxes and wanes, this is an ancient and unchanging principle. Selina, everything has flaws in it. Here's an example. There was a pair of lovers who'd separated and married different people because of a misunderstanding. It was only until a few years later that they realized the truth. At that point, although they would regret their separation for the rest of their lives, such things are already irreversible. Do you understand?"

Selina only half-understood what Matthew meant.

Matthew continued, "In other words, the reason why some couples feel life- long remorse over breakups is due to their feelings not being steady enough. Right now both you and your friend are experiencing the same things. Besides your mistakes, could your current separation be due to an unstable friendship in the first place?"

Selina's breath hitched at the question.

Matthew stared right into her eyes. "If your feelings for each other were stable, then why didn't she properly listen to your explanation?"

Selina felt as if there had been a swift blow to her head by a blunt object.

Her mind was in a daze for a long time and she stood frozen in her place for what felt like half a day.

Matthew didn't bother her during her frozen state, he merely gazed at her in silence.

Time ticked by second after second.

Selina's lips started to quiver.

Then, she finally spoke, "Matthew, I think I finally got it."

Once her words fell, she heaved in a deep breath as her eyes took on an odd glimmer. "I won't entangle myself in such matters any longer. This matter between us is over and done with. It's completely finished!"

A flash of tenderness flashed across Matthew's eyes.

He knew that although her emotions tended to fluctuate, she was still a smart girl. All smart girls only needed a small clue to see the bigger picture. "Come to my office with me. I'll make you a cup of coffee." Matthew looked at Selina with a smile.

Selina asked tentatively, "Won't that interfere with your work?"

Matthew assumed that, at this moment, Selina needed some space to regain her composure, "It's fine, you can be by my side while I work. There is a big sofa for you to relax on, and I have plenty of delicious snacks and drinks prepared, so you won't feel bored."

In addition to this, Matthew knew that it would be best to stay by Selina's side while she processed her emotions.

Selina hesitated before she gave a reply.

Finally, she relented, "Alright, I'll go."

Selina took Matthew's hand before the pair of them walked out of the manager's office.

When they exited the room, they ran into a bunch of employees along the way. When this happened, the couple was still holding hands.

Once the employees noticed Matthew's presence, they all greeted him respectfully, "Hello, Mr. Perry."

Matthew gave them a small nod in return.

When the staff's line of sight swept over to Selina, a hint of confusion surfaced in their eyes.

Matthew immediately introduced Selina to them,

"This is my wife."

Selina's face flushed red the moment he made his announcement.

This man was truly a handful! All they did was glance at her and now he was introducing them to her without them asking for it in the first place!

"Mrs. Perry, it's a pleasure to meet you!" Their bright voices sounded immediately.

Selina sounded a little embarrassed as she replied, "Uh-huh, yes."

When they arrived at the presidential office, Matthew requested his assistant to especially prepare a large bag of snacks and all kinds of drinks for Selina. These were soon placed on the coffee table by the sofa.

Matthew even personally made a cup of coffee for her.

There was a coffee machine in his office which only used freshly ground coffee beans. Since he had stayed abroad for a period of time, Matthew didn't like the taste of instant coffee.

A steaming cup of coffee was gently pressed into Selina's hands.

She accepted the cup into her hands. "You should go back to work. All these snacks and drinks are enough to occupy me for a very long time."

"Okay." He smiled at her as he said, "If you get bored, just call for me to keep you company."


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