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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1154

It did not matter if she was the mastermind or not, all that mattered currently was that she and Reid had the same goal!

Thinking about all the things that Selina had inflicted upon her, even going as far as to chase her out of the city, the hatred in Caroline's heart burned.

Her loathing towards Selina grew stronger by the second!

She swore to herself that she would make Selina pay the price!

Meanwhile, in the Perry Group office.

Selina had filled her stomach with food. Her belly had swelled to a visible size in the blink of an eye.

Human beings were truly odd creatures.

Whenever she was in a bad mood, her appetite would get better instead.

Selina glanced at her bulging stomach as Lothar's trademark words echoed in her head.

Which was that if one wasn't feeling well, they should then eat more as the discomfort of their full belly would take their mind off the discomfort in their heart.

Selina couldn't stop herself from letting out a helpless sigh.

In fact, before she had even interrogated Caroline, she would be lying if she said that she was not at least a little suspicious.

Even though she did tell herself that Lothar definitely would not do such a thing, but deep down in her heart, she'd still stored some distrust towards him.

However, such feelings were all gone now.

Caroline's previous statement had partly contributed to the dissolution of these doubts, but just a tiny part. The larger reason why Selina no longer suspected him was due to her own faith in Lothar.

Selina was a firm believer that one's own intuition could be very accurate.

Take for example, her gut feeling that Lothar was definitely not a bad person.

Such a cheerful boy could never be a bad person!

Her eyelashes fluttered at the thought.

This incident should be treated as if it were in the past now since it had concluded entirely.

Even if Caroline herself was reluctant to return to the United States, there was nothing Selina could do about it.

Selina could not help gazing at Matthew, who was right in front of her.

Matthew was a man who emanated an air of elegance as he sat behind a wide desk, his focus entirely on reading through the documents before him.

His tall and straight frame made even his sitting posture look textbook perfect.

The corners of her lips curled up at the sight.

Well, this was the first trial she and Matthew had gone through after getting together officially. Fortunately, they'd managed to get through it safe and sound.

Just as he'd said, many couples broke up due to their misunderstandings only to regret that decision for the rest of their life after discovering the truth. The core issue of this was that the foundation of their relationship was not stable.

As for her and Matthew, she would consider their relationship strong and stable enough to last.

Although Matthew had doubted her for a while during that entire fiasco that was set up by Caroline, he'd still come back to her in the end after he figured out things on his own.

Otherwise, it would have been impossible for them to reunite.

The grin on her face deepened.

She believed that this would be the first and last trial that they would have to overcome together as an official couple.

Both she and Matthew would definitely share a happy life together in the future.

Seemingly noticing Selina's eyes on him, Matthew removed his gaze from the documents in his hands.

His deep gaze fell onto Selina's face.

He then smiled at her.

He looked extremely good-looking as he did so.

Matthew did not have a cold appearance to begin with, and he also had a gentle and caring aura to him. This aura only intensified whenever he smiled, as his smile made people feel as if it would melt all snow during a cold winter's day.

"Sneaking a peek at me, huh?" Matthew's voice seemed to hint at something else as he spoke.

She countered him mischievously, "Aren't you looking at me too?"

Matthew fixed his gaze on Selina. "I was only looking at you because you were looking at me first."

Once his words fell, his smile deepened.

Their squabble sounded so immature and trivial. Matthew usually never said such things.


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