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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1296

Matthew's gaze was deep. "Saoirse would just be treated like any other employee in Perry Group. It will be the same situation as your friend who worked in the Perry Group."

Selina forced a smile.

She nodded. "I know. I won't think too much about it. I hope you don't think too much about it either." Selina knew that it was not his intention for things to turn out this way. She also understood that it wasn't easy for him having to bear all this pressure and still needing to comfort her.

Matthew's lips slowly moved downwards and closer. When his lips reached hers, he gave Selina a long, hard kiss.

"Thank you for your understanding." A low, hoarse voice sounded in Selina's ear.

The next day came quickly.

Selina was meeting with someone in the afternoon.

She was going to meet Brennan.

She wanted to see how was Brennan doing. Was things really getting better as Matthew said?

They met at a restaurant.

Brennan took the initiative to say hello to Selina although his face turned red after saying hello.

He did not wear a cap this time.

Brennan said very little. He only spoke whenever Selina asked him a question, but it was still better than their previous meeting.

Brennan spoke more when they were talking about his work in particular.

Selina could feel that his new job had given him more confidence.

Seeing the change in Brennan, Selina felt delighted and happy for him.

When their lunch were about to come to an end, he suddenly said, "The... the man that... came with you last... last time,"

He did not finish his sentence and lowered his head again.

Although he lowered his head, Selina could sense that Brennan's gaze was still focused on her.

Selina said frankly, "He will be the man that I'll be marrying in the future."

"Oh," Brennan answered in a low voice.

Although he didn't say anything, somehow his answer contained an unspeakable sadness.

Selina felt it as well.

She knew clearly how Brennan felt and thought about her. The reason why she chose to let him know about Matthew was so that he wouldn't hold onto any more futile hope or thoughts.

"Brennan, you will find a great woman. You are doing so well in your new company, I'm pretty sure many girls will find you attractive."

Brennan remained silent with a lonely expression on his face.

They had really came to a stopping point in their conversation.

Selina didn't know what else to say.

After a long silence, Brennan said, "I, I want to find and apologize to the... person last time."

Selina did not understand.

"What?" she asked.

Brennan stammered again.

Selina thought for a long time before she asked tentatively, "Is is Lothar? The one at the hospital?"

He nodded heavily.

Selina immediately stood up. "Then, I'll take you there."

The driver had been waiting outside of the restaurant.

He was about to sit at the back but when he saw Selina going for the back seat, he hesitated and turned to the front passenger seat.

"Brennan," Selina stopped him. "Sit in the back. It's all right."

Brennan's body stiffened, and after a while, he only opened the door towards the back seat.

He felt nervous as if he were facing a formidable enemy, and he kept looking at the scenery outside of the window, not daring to look at Selina at all.

Selina said softly, "You don't have to avoid me all the time. We are friends, so we can come together and eat, meet up and spend time with each other. Okay?"

Brennan took the courage to look at Selina in her eyes and asked, "Rea...really?"

"Yes." Selina said, "I will invite you to my wedding in the future and you'll do the same as well."

Brennan went to say something, but couldn't. It was as if there was something blocking his throat.

After a long while, he gulped and said.

"Th...they all said that I'm ga...gay."

Selina was a little sad hearing that.


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