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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1297

Selina stood in silence for a brief moment.

"That woman has insisted that Matthew sign a half-year contract and accompany her regularly until the contract expires. In return, she's agreed to file for divorce once the time is up. Just now, she requested that she be his assistant and join the Perry Group."

Lothar's expression changed. "In this case, you have to be cautious. This is clearly a time bomb, and who knows what might happen in the next 6 months?"

Selina pursed her lips. "I trust Matthew. Besides, the contract clearly states that he doesn't have to do anything that crosses any lines."

Lothar warned her, "Regardless, you still have to be on guard. That woman wouldn't ask your ex-husband to keep her company for half a year for no reason at all. I bet she has an ulterior motive."

"I know, but I believe that Matthew knows his limits and has great self restraint. Even so, I do have to admit, that woman is stunning."

This wasn't the first time Lothar had heard Selina saying something along those lines. He couldn't help but ask, "You always say she's beautiful, but how beautiful can she be?" "She's so beautiful and mesmerizing that I can't take my eyes off of her." Selina said and paused for a moment.

She took a long, measuring glance at Lothar.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"We'll pay her a visit when I am free. You can tell me what you think of her, from a man's perspective," She stated.

"That sounds brilliant." Lothar accepted her offer without hesitation.

"By the way, is Yesseca getting discharged today?"

Reminded of the happy news, Lothar's face lit up with joy. "Yes she is, all thanks to you, Selina. Yesseca and I are in your debt."

"It's not a big deal. Let's go and pay Yesseca a visit."

Lothar and Selina headed to the ward together.

Yesseca was in the middle of packing her belongings.

She had been staying at the hospital all year round which is why most of her things were at the hospital. Thus, to make it easier on her, Lothar had bought a luggage bag large enough to fit everything. Yesseca was busy sorting her things and arranging them neatly in the luggage bag.

"Yesseca, stop packing for a moment. Look who's here to visit," Lothar announced.

Yesseca paused what she was doing, looked up and her lips immediately curved into a smile.

"Miss Whitlock." She ran towards Selina excitedly and gave her a tight embrace.

A feeling of warmth and love overcame Selina as she was wrapped tightly in Yesseca's arms.

In fact, Selina had never thought that it was possible for her to find someone of the same gender lovable, until she crossed paths with Yesseca.

Selina thought that Yesseca was an adorable and likable young lady.

"You're about to be discharged from the hospital. From now on, we can live a normal life," said Selina with a sweet smile to Yesseca.

"I have you to thank for this, Miss Whitlock. I will forever be grateful."

"Don't worry about it. There's nothing to thank me for."

Yesseca grinned at that statement.

The Perry Group.

Saoirse called Matthew to announce her arrival at the Perry Group.

"Hold on for a minute. I'll ask the personnel manager to assist you."

"William, I would like to be a personal assistant that works closely with you," Saoirse said with confidence.

Prior to this, Caroline had already reminded her that William had many personal assistants. Most of them were supposedly the president's assistants, but they usually never met him in person, unless they were the few ones who worked closely to him.

Matthew was silent for a moment.

"I will ask the personnel manager to make some arrangements," he said in a low voice.

After hanging up the call with Saoirse, Matthew made another call to the personnel manager and informed him of the arrangements to be made.

He rubbed his brows while speaking to the personnel manager.

When he hung up, Matthew felt an intense sharp pain in his forehead.

Approximately twenty minutes later, one of Matthew's assistants entered.

He had been working for Matthew for many years and could be considered Matthew's closest assistant.

While the assistant was merely a subordinate, the boundaries between them were blurry due to the long period of knowing each other.

"Mr. Perry, I know for a fact that you plan to recruit another female assistant," the male assistant said as he placed the documents on Matthew's table.


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