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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 183

Fortunately, Tobias did not continue to tease Natalie. He threw the "18 Love Skills" into the trash can.

"Selina is getting too preposterous. This is too much even if she is open-minded. I will talk to her when she comes back." Tobias's face darkened when he mentioned Selina.

Natalie let go a sigh of relief.

"Mr. Whitlock, now you finally know how preposterous your sister is. You really need to talk to her," Natalie thought.

"Go to sleep." Tobias held Natalie in his arms again.

Probably because of the book earlier, Natalie could not fall asleep. She wiggled in Tobias's arms and she was arousing him in the process.

"Natalie, you are doing this on purpose, aren't you?" Tobias said, almost gnashing his teeth.

Natalie was stunned, only to find that Tobias' body suddenly had some reaction again.

Natalie wanted to cry but had no tears.

Tobias tightened his arms around Natalie without doing anything.

However, Natalie glanced at Tobias. From how scrunched up his face was and how irritated his throat was, she knew one thing.

This man was very uncomfortable!

He was extremely uncomfortable!

Natalie could not help but ask in a weak voice, "Tobias, do you feel uncomfortable?"

"Duh!" Tobias said in a serious tone.

Natalie's eyes trembled. "Since you are so uncomfortable, why do you still want me to sleep in your arms?"

As long as he did not have her in his arms, this man would not feel so uncomfortable, but why did he insist on doing so?

Tobias's eyebrows moved slightly.

Human emotions were strange and they could not be controlled by rationality.

Just like Tobias. He knew that he could not touch Natalie now, but he still could not help but want to hold her while they slept.

"Go to sleep." Tobias's voice sank. "If you ask again, you'll be just like Selina with the endless questions!"

Selina was already giving him a headache. He did not want Natalie to be like her.

The more Tobias refused to talk to her, the stranger Natalie felt.

And then she remembered a lot of things.

For example, Tobias always teased her, but he never actually wanted her.

Really, if it was not for the first time they slept together, Natalie would really think that Tobias might actually have a problem in that aspect.

"Tobias, why can't you resist touching me every time?" Natalie could not help but blurt out.

She regretted it as soon as she spoke. What did she have to ask?

Tobias said in a cold voice, "Do you really want me to touch you?"

"No, no..." Natalie shook her head hurriedly. "I'm just curious, haha. I'm curious."

"I don't want to harm a blooming flower," Tobias said in a cold tone.

Natalie blinked.

He did not want to harm a blooming flower?

Did it mean that Tobias thought she was still young and naive, and that he did not want to do anything that might hurt her?

"But you've already harmed me once."

Natalie did not forget the first time Tobias slept with her. Her legs trembled even when she got out of bed.

Tobias' big palm that was placed on Natalie's waist suddenly moved upwards. Natalie's body immediately stiffened.

Tobias' lips moved closer to Natalie's ear. He said in a hoarse voice, "Exactly, I hurt you once, so I need to protect you now. When you're fully grown up, then it's time to "harvest" it. It won't take long for us to get a better understanding of it."

Natalie was left speechless.

Why did these words sound so sensual coming from Tobias's mouth?


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