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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 1585

She immediately woke Matthew up.

"Get up, Yesseca just called me and said she saw Lothar." Selina sounded urgent.

Matthew was stunned.

A moment later, he said, "She must have had a nightmare."

Selina got out of bed. "Whether it was a nightmare or not, we need to go and see for ourselves."

Soon after, the two of them drove over to Yesseca's house.

On their way there, Selina constantly urged Matthew to drive faster.

Matthew comforted her, "Don't worry. I'm going as fast as I can."

Selina was very anxious. "Why would Yesseca say that she saw Lothar?"

"She had a nightmare." Matthew answered confidently.

Selina agreed. She must have had a nightmare. After all, Lothar was dead.

"She must really miss him." There was a hint of sadness in her tone.

Matthew glanced at her. "Don't worry. Well be there soon."

She nodded, but couldn't contain the anxiety in her heart.

When they arrived at Yesseca's apartment building, Selina jumped out of the car and ran out, nearly falling over. Luckily, Matthew caught her in time.

"Don't rush."

When they arrived at her apartment, Selina hammered on the door.

As soon as Yesseca saw Selina, she grabbed Selina by the hand and dragged her to the window. "Selina, look, my brother is outside the window!"

Matthew explained calmly, "Yesseca, you had a nightmare. Calm down."

"I didn't have a nightmare!" Yesseca shouted.

She was so excited that her neck had turned red. This was the first time she ever spoke so excitedly to other people. Selina and Matthew were stunned to see her like this.

Yesseca pointed outside the window. "I saw my brother. My brother is out there."

She pleaded, "Selina, you have a lot of subordinates. Can you please get them to find my brother? My brother is alive, he has to be alive. My

brother came to see me."

Selina felt like a dagger had stabbed her heart. It was terribly painful.

It was much worse than she had imagined.

At first, she thought that Yesseca had had a nightmare, but now it was clearly not that simple. Yesseca was being way too emotional.

Selina and Matthew comforted Yesseca, but they couldn't calm her down.

Matthew ordered some of his men to search the entire area. Yesseca calmed down after that.

Selina pulled Matthew aside, "Matthew, do you think Yesseca actually saw Lothar?"

"No." Matthew whispered, "It's just to get her to calm down."

Selina spoke with some concern, "I don't think Yesseca is just having a nightmare. She's being way too emotional. I'm scared to see her like this."

Matthew thought about this. "She must have been suppressing this for a very long time."

Matthew's men soon arrived.

They began to search the area.

Yesseca followed after then. Selina and Matthew couldn't stop her and had no choice but to follow after her. They searched every corner of the district for two hours. Despite combing through the area several times, they still couldn't find Lothar.

However, Yesseca was adamant that Lothar was in the area. They just weren't looking hard enough.

Matthew asked Yesseca for some of Lothar's clothes. He would send his search dogs to find him. Once they've caught a whiff of Lothar's scent, as long as Lothar was still in the neighborhood, they would definitely find him.

Yesseca rushed back to her apartment.


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