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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 472

Natalie lost her memory.

In the past, his biggest regret was not meeting Natalie before Tobias.

But now, God had given him a second chance.

All of a sudden, Remington's lips curled up, and his eyes were full of joy.

This time, he could get to know Natalie before Tobias did.

He had to seize the opportunity.

God blessed him with a second chance. So this time, Natalie would be his.

When Yvonne saw Natalie, she was completely stunned.

As a result, she didn't notice how flushed Benjamin's face was.

"How could she lose all her memory? How did things turn this way?" Yvonne kept asking.

Benjamin did not know the details.

All he could say was, "Miss Godfrey is alright. She is only suffering from memory loss. Don't worry, Miss Simpson."

"How can I not worry? Don't tell me she doesn't even remember me," Yvonne was annoyed.

Benjamin didn't know how to comfort Yvonne, so he could only stand there.

Yvonne kept pacing in the room. After a while, she heaved a sigh, "Forget it, so be it! Natalie could forget about her terrible past."

From a certain perspective, Natalie's amnesia might be a good thing.

After thinking about it this way, Yvonne's mood became better.

She glanced at Benjamin, who was standing there, "Mr. Simpson, you can leave. I will take care of Natalie."

Benjamin's face flushed again. "Then, I'll just have to trouble you, Miss Simpson."

He scurried off.

Yvonne frowned.

As far as she could remember, Benjamin was an authoritative and steady man.

Although he was no Tobias, Benjamin was more domineering than an average man.

Why was he acting strange and awkward all of a sudden?

Yvonne was puzzled, but did not give it a second thought.

After all, Natalie was her priority now.

In the evening, Yvonne received a call.

It was Penney.

She was going to inform Yvonne to go to the audition.

Yvonne's performance the last time was outstanding. Although she only had a few lines, she was still very charming.

Patrick, an actor who did a scene with Yvonne, remembered her. He recommended Yvonne to a reputable director.

This director happened to have an opening for a supporting female lead, so he let Yvonne audition for it.

This was a great opportunity.

In fact, Yvonne always played small roles with only a few lines. She couldn't dare to imagine herself as the supporting female lead or the fourth in line.

"Yvonne, give it your best tonight. This might be your big break," Penney sounded extremely excited.

A glint of gloom flashed across Yvonne's eyes.

Of course, she knew it was a good opportunity, a good chance to succeed.

But Natalie...

Yvonne took a look at Natalie, who was still unconscious. She clenched her teeth and said, "Penney, I'm not going to the audition."

Penney thought her ears were playing tricks on her, "Come again, Yvonne? What did you say?"

Yvonne said seriously, "Penney, I have something to do now. It's urgent! I won't go to this audition. Please give the opportunity to someone else."

Penney heard it clearly.

She was enraged.

"Yvonne, da*n it! You've got to cancel your plans for tonight! Aren't you trying to move up the ladder? A golden opportunity landed at your feet, and you're thinking of bailing? Are you crazy?"

Yvonne bit hard on her lips.

Her lips were almost bleeding.

She did want to work her way up, but that didn't mean she would abandon everything.


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