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My Heart only Beats for You novel Chapter 795

"He protected your mom, and your mom protected you. In the end..." Jessie didn't continue, and there was a trace of grief in her eyes.

At that time, because of her work, she had come into contact with many children who were sent to orphanages after their parents died. However, only Natalie's parents left an impression in Jessie's mind.

Natalie's body was a little stiff.

After a while, she gradually opened her mouth, "Are... Are you telling the truth?"

She was terrified, terrified that Jessie was lying again.

Jessie did not speak. She took out a photo album.

"Natalie, this is your parents' photo album. Luckily I kept it. I'll pass it on to you now."

Natalie's fingers were trembling as she took the album.

She flipped to the first page. It was a photo of a man and a woman.

The photo was a little yellowed, yet the sweetness of their smile was overflowing.

Natalie suddenly felt like crying.

She knew that Jessie wasn't lying.

The moment she saw the photo, she knew that this couple must be her parents.

Natalie looked very similar to them!

Her eyes were the same as her father's, while her lips and nose looked exactly like her mother's.

Natalie recalled that she was emotionless when Jessie had shown her that photo last time.

However, right then, she could not control her emotions.

Perhaps, this reaction was only reserved for her biological parents.

Natalie was flipping through the album page by page.

All the photos were pictures of her parents, in which they were smiling delightfully.

Her parents loved each other deeply.

Natalie's eyes gradually turned red.

She had once fantasized about her identity. Would it be like something out of a novel? Something like her being the daughter of a mafia boss?

It turned out not to be true.

Her parents were no one special.

They loved each other and had given birth to a daughter.

At a critical moment, they had protected their daughter.

They gave their lives in exchange for her survival.

After a long time, Natalie finally came out of Jessie's room.

She had a request for Tobias.

She wanted Tobias to let Jessie go.

Although it was Jessie's fault for lying, she had been threatened by Yuna.

More importantly, Natalie was held in her arms as still a child. It was because of Jessie that she was able to find out her identity and see her parents' appearance.

Tobias agreed.

Natalie held the photo album in her arms. "Tobias, it turns out that my parents are really the most ordinary people, but they're also the greatest."

She was almost choking with sobs.

Tobias hugged Natalie. "Natalie, don't be sad."

Natalie shook her head. "I'm fine. I'm really not sad at all. I just feel a little emotional."

After that, Natalie went on and on about the things that Jessie had told her.

"Say, Tobias, wouldn't everything be fine if my mom didn't go to the amusement park to look for my dad?" she suddenly asked.

"Natalie," Tobias said in a deep voice. "There is no 'if' in reality."

Natalie was stunned.

That was true. There is no 'if' in reality.

The past should be left in the past, she should learn to let go of it.


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