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My Human Mate novel Chapter 8

It’s been days since the kiss happened between Ella and Blaze at the clinic. Blaze didn’t give up and kept pursuing Ella. She was irritated at first and tried to avoid him, but now Ella got accustomed to Blaze following her around every day.

“Blaze, stop!” Ella said and laughed, grabbing the dice away from Blaze’s hand. They were out in the school garden because they had no classes for the first and second subjects.

“No way,” Blaze seriously said.

“Come on. Stop it!” Ella said. Blaze heaved a sigh and pouted his lips. Ella chuckled and pinched his cheeks.

“Ow, ow! S-sweet pea, l-let go,” Blaze said, holding Ella’s hand. Ella couldn’t help it. Blaze’s expression looked cute to her that she had to do that. She removed her hand while Blaze rubbed his reddened cheeks. Blaze got snakes and ladders board game, and that was they were playing in the garden. Currently, Ella’s the winner, and Blaze was trying to make her play again.

“This is unfair!” Blaze protested. “I don’t want to play this stupid game anymore!” he angrily said and glared at the low board. Ella gently smacked him on the head and chuckled.

“Crazy guy,” Ella muttered.

“I’m handsome,” Blaze said and winked at her.

“And arrogant,” Ella mumbled. Blaze laughed and raised his hands, accepting his defeat. What happened next surprised Ella a little bit. Blaze lay his head on Ella’s lap and watched the vast blue skies. They were the only ones in the garden as per Blaze’s order. He grabbed Ella’s hand and intertwined their fingers together.

Ella doesn’t know what to feel. She’s out here playing with Blaze with her unclear emotions. Ella admitted to herself that being with Blaze made her feel comfortable and safe. The chemistry they had was undeniable, but Ella was afraid that Blaze would end up like her previous boyfriend. Ella knows they are different persons, but she still felt a little uneasy. She heard Blaze’s phone rings but didn’t pick it up.

“You’re not going to answer that?” Ella asked.

“No, I don’t want to,” Blaze stubbornly said. The phone rang again for the second time.

“What if that call was important? It would be best if you answered it,” Ella said. But for Blaze, it was necessary to spend his time with his mate. He heaved a sigh and sat. Blaze took the phone out of his pocket and answered the call.

“What!?” Blaze snapped at the caller. Ella glared at him and punched him on the side. His face contorted in pain. Blaze cheekily smiled and stole a kiss from Ella. Her eyes widened in shock.

“What to do you want?” Blaze asked, this time in a more calming manner. “I don’t want to…fuck! Fine, I’m going!” he angrily replied and ended the call. Blaze looked at Ella intently.

“What?” Ella awkwardly asked. She still couldn’t get accustomed to how Blaze stares at her like she was his world.

“I have a band practice, and they need me there,” Blaze said. “Do you want to come with me?” he added with a smile.

“What will I do there? I’ll just become a nuisance to your bandmates,” Ella said.

“Who says you’re a nuisance?” Blaze asked. He really wanted Ella to come with him to see his pack mates and know them. They’re not just members of a pack, but they are also Blaze’s trusted friends.

“No one,” Ella mumbled. “Now go on, I had enough seeing your face today,” she jokingly said and pushed Blaze slowly. Blaze chuckled and kissed her forehead. Ella couldn’t help but frown. It was a second time today that Blaze stole a kiss from her.

“Okay, I’ll be back,” Blaze said and got up.

“Don’t bother,” Ella said. Blaze’s forehead furrowed, not liking Ella’s answer. “I’m kidding, Blaze. Go to your band practice,” she added, seeing Blaze’s serious face. Blaze obliged and left her to the garden. Ella took her favorite book out that she couldn’t finish reading and leaned her back on a tree, waiting for Blaze to come back.

Chapter Nine 1


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