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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1041

Reagan's voice came from the phone again, "Boss, are you listening to me?"

"I'm listening." Silvia was thinking about other things, and she was a little absent-minded. "If there's nothing important, I'll catch up with you when I get back."

Silvia was about to hang up the phone when she suddenly thought of her mother. "Reagan, I won't be around for the next few days. If you have some time, please visit my mother on my behalf. I'm afraid that she will feel lonely being in the hospital."

Reagan patted his chest and gave his words, "Boss, your mother is like a mother to both Lemur and me. Don't worry. Whenever you are not around, we will take turns to take care of her. It's the least we could do. Take care, bye."

Perhaps he didn't want to hear the words "thank you" from Silvia, Reagan hung up quickly.

After speaking with Reagan, Silvia called Daniel Cook immediately. Daniel was the head of the Public Relations Department of Wateria Corporation. She was hoping to get some information from him.

However, after the call was connected, she hung up. After Silvia's father's accident, Daniel had been helping Norman, so his words could not be trusted.

Silvia thought deeply. Who else could be trusted in the company? She thought about it over and over again. The managers who were loyal to her father were driven away by Norman. Now, those who stayed in the company were Norman's people.

It was impossible for her to get factual and reliable information from them.

Silvia returned to the bed again. She couldn't figure out who saved her, but the only thing she could be sure of was that the person who helped her was definitely not Jayden.

Forget it, since she could not figure it out, she didn't want to think about it anymore. After staying up for the whole night, she had some serious dark circles under her eyes. She needed to catch up on her sleep and put everything else aside for a while.

Just as Silvia was about to fall asleep, she received another text message. She saw the number who sent her the message, but she was not familiar with it. The message said, "Miss Turner, can I ask for a favor? From: Simon Banks".

To be honest, Silvia didn't like Simon at all. She even hated him. If it weren't for Simon, she would not have gotten raped by Jayden that night!

However, she was curious over that sudden text message. She wanted to know what Simon wanted her help with. Also, what did Silvia have that made Simon think she could help him at all?

So she replied, "What's the matter?"

Soon, Simon sent another message. "Miss Turner, there was a typhoon in Chatterton Town and it was raining heavily. Please take good care of the Young Master on my behalf."

Silvia replied, "Butler Banks, he is no longer a child. Why does he need someone else to take care of him? Even if he needs someone to take care of him, why don't you follow him? Why should I be the one taking care of him?".

Soon, Simon called and explained, "Miss Turner, I'm sorry to disturb you. There are some things that can't be explained clearly through text, so could you please hear me out?"

Simon's tone was respectful, which was completely different from Silvia's impression of him. This made her feel very surprised.

Silvia said, "Go ahead. I'm listening."

Simon sighed as he spoke, "My Young Master was injured a few years ago. His wound may have healed but it left a scar. On rainy days, his old injury would relapse. It could be treated slowly, but he is not willing to take his medication. Therefore, the situation got worse in recent days."


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