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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1109

"I'm not listening to you!" Silvia was furious. She had just come out of a rut and now she had fallen into another rut that this man had dug for her.

"Miss Turner, your condition is not yet stable. Please don't get too agitated, or your illness might worsen!" the doctor decided to help Jayden out of his predicament.

Silvia behaved unreasonably in front of Jayden, but she was an obedient child in front of the doctor. The moment the doctor asked her to calm down, she immediately stopped making a fuss but continued to look at Jayden plaintively. No matter what, it was still all his fault.

After collecting the prescribed medicine, Jayden fed them to Silvia personally. Then, he asked Silvia to lie down on the bed and said, "The doctor said that you have to stay at the hospital for one night for observation, so we'll spend the night here."

"Humph..." Even though she was only suffering from gastritis, he was the one who caused it. If he hadn't stopped her from eating meat, would she have overeaten and ended up like this?

Jayden rubbed her head gently and said helplessly, "If you don't feel like talking, then don't. It's getting late now, you should go to sleep already."

"Hmph..." Silvia turned her back on him.

Looking at her back, Jayden thought of the situation when he first heard that she might be pregnant.

When Auntie Cherry told him that Silvia might be pregnant, Jayden fell into a trance at that instant. But in the next second, a wave of unparalleled excitement engulfed him.

He wanted a child. A child born to Silvia and himself, that would look like either one of them.

However, she wasn't pregnant.

The moment he heard that Silvia was not pregnant, Jayden was disappointed. It felt as if his fundamental bargaining chip had slipped through his fingers.


But to think of it, it sounded rather ridiculous, didn't it? What was he afraid of?

No one could ever change the fact that Silvia was now his wife. It was not like she could grow a pair of wings and fly away from him, right?

Needless to say, even if she could grow a pair of wings, he would never let her fly away from him.

Jayden sat beside Silvia. Since she didn't want to talk to him, he kept himself silent.

Silvia rolled over towards him and pretended to be pitiful. "Jayden, let me tell you, I'm now an ill patient, so you should let me win. You mustn't bully me."

A while ago, she was so angry that she ended up hitting and biting him. Jayden was someone who would hold on to grudges, so she was worried that he would get back at her.

However, when Jayden heard what she had just said, he knew that she was thinking about some trivial matters again.

He then said helplessly, "Don't think about it already. Just go to sleep now, okay?"

Before receiving his assurance, Silvia could never fall asleep peacefully. She thought that he would strangle her to death once she had fallen asleep.

She held his hand and said softly, "Promise me that you won't bully me, okay? Or else I can't fall asleep."

Jayden didn't know what to do with her so he nodded and said, "Okay, I promise you. You're a patient now, so you're the boss. I'll listen to whatever you say, okay?"


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