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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1128

"It's to prevent you from catching a cold." Silvia put the medicine on his work desk and waved the candy in her hand. "Look, I've specially prepared this for you. It won't taste so bitter after you eat the candy."

"I'm not sick. Why do I need to take this medicine?" Did this young lady really see Jayden as a three year-old boy? Did she think that she could make him take the medicine by giving him some candies? She must be dreaming!

"You're not sick?" Silvia said angrily, "Jayden Elias Kyle, if you don't behave obediently and cooperate with Dr. Thames to recondition your body, I will not attend to you anymore even if you get a fever and faint."

"Can't you speak nicely to me?" Jayden hated the scent of medicine the most. Couldn't she persuade him in a nice way, instead of threatening him?

"The medicine and the candy are here..." Silvia took out her mobile phone and looked at the time. "I'll give you a minute to think about it. After the time is up, I will take away the candy, but you'll still have to take the medicine."

"I'll drink it, alright?!" No matter how awful it was, he had to drink it. He had to make sure that he could live a long life, otherwise, who would take care of this silly woman in the future?

"Very good!" Silvia immediately put on a smiling face and handed him the medicine. After watching him emptying the medicine cup, she said, "Here, eat this candy. It will get rid of the bitterness."

Jayden frowned in disgust and said, "I'm a man, I don't need to eat this. Take it away, I don't want it!"

Silvia rolled her eyes at him. "It was no doubt that you're a man, but you're still a human being, right? You would still get sick, wouldn't you? I wonder who it was, who kept getting fevers and catching colds..."

While Silvia was talking, Jayden suddenly pulled her into his arms. Before she could even react, Jayden had already lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

"Boohoo..." It was so bitter. His lips were covered with that awfully bitter medicine, but he still kissed her. Jayden obviously wanted to make Silvia suffer with him. This man was just too annoying. She must not forgive him!

Silvia wrinkled her nose and squinted her eyes due to the bitterness. However, Jayden's face was full of delight. "It's so good! It tastes so sweet!"

Silvia wiped her lips in disgust. "It's so bitter but you're saying that it's sweet. There must be something wrong with your taste buds!" "I'm talking about you! You taste so sweet."


Jayden smiled and held her in his arms again, enjoying the best of her that belonged only to him.

After getting all her shares back, Silvia finally realized how heavy the burden was being the boss of a company.

Wateria Corporation was not a huge company, but there were still a few hundred employees. All of them were counting on the company to make good profits, and she was the core figure to ensure that all her staff could continue to strive in their career.

When Silvia thought that she would have to face so many people and hold countless meetings, she was stressed out.

She glanced at Jayden who was reading a book next to her and snuggled up to him. "Young Master Kyle, I have something to ask you."

Jayden did not even raise his head to look at her. "Mm?"

Therefore, Silvia reached out her hand and took away the book in his hand, asking him to listen carefully to what she was going to say next. "If I were to fire a core executive of a department right after taking over the company, do you think that it's inappropriate?"

However, before he could even answer her, Silvia put the book back into his hand and said, "Forget it, you don't even know how to manage a company. I'd better get advice from someone who actually does."

Jayden raised his eyebrows. This little girl was looking down on him again.

Silvia lay down on the sofa in an unladylike manner and said, "Before this, I've always thought that being the boss of a company was fun. All you have to do is give orders and everyone else would have to follow them, and you can just fire whoever that's not following your orders. But little did I know, that was not the case at all. It's completely different from what I've imagined."

Seeing that she was so distressed, Jayden closed the book and said unhurriedly, "A boss who fires a competent employee right after taking over a company might cause outrage, and result in a bad impression on you. And because of that, I'm afraid that it would then be difficult for you to reestablish a convincing leadership over your employees. However, if you were to fire someone who abused their powers, it would definitely be inspirational. It would be an opportunity to let those outstanding employees see that this company still has a meritocratic and hopeful future, and they would be willing to stay."

"Hmm... yeah." Silvia nodded and expressed her admiration for him. "Wow, I've never seen you do anything all day, but what you've said were actually on point."

Jayden was speechless.


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