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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1180

After accompanying the boys to sleep, Jayden got out of bed. He walked out of the door cautiously, making sure not to make a sound. After thinking for a while, he decided to give his family a phone call to tell them that the boys were safe with him.

Jayden dialed his mother's number. As soon as it was connected, the person on the other side had already answered the call. His mother asked in a gentle voice. "Is this Jayden?"

"Yes, it's me, Mom!" Jayden nodded and said after a short pause, "Julien and Levi are safe with me now. I will take good care of them. You don't have to worry about them."

"Okay, I'm not worried if they are with you. Jayden, how are you doing lately?" Compared to the two boys, Karen Daly was more concerned about Jayden.

The previous time when he returned to Chatterton Town, he had told everyone that he was married. However, he did not bring his wife along with him, so they did not get a chance to see his wife.

They weren't sure if he was really married or

did he say that just to make his family feel at ease.

In short, Karen had been worrying about him for the past few months.

At first, Karen wanted to fly over to Madison City to see what was going on, but Kevin Kyle would not allow her to do that. Kevin said that Jayden did not want them to disturb his life, so they should not. They should wait until he could completely open himself up, then only they could go over to visit him.

Kevin was the head of the family. Since he had said so, Karen was not an unreasonable woman too, so no matter how much she missed her son, she could only endure it.

"I'm fine, Mom." Jayden should have stayed by his parents' side and taken care of them. He should make them feel at ease, but instead, he made them worry for him. Perhaps he was really an unfilial son!

He could have stayed with his parents and worked for his father at the company. However, because of what had happened in the past, he was ashamed to stay at home. On top of that, he wanted to prove his own abilities, so that was why he had chosen this very path.

Karen said, "Jayden, now that you're alone out there, you must promise me that you'll take

good care of yourself, okay? If there's anything that you need, you can just tell us. As for your father, he cares about you a lot too."

"I know, Mom." Jayden knew very well how his family treated him.

However, his father was not good at expressing his emotions. He had hardly expressed his love for his children, but they could still feel his love for them.

"Well, I guess it's getting quite late for you over there, right? You should go get some rest now." Karen smiled. "Just remember that you can come visit us at Chatterton Town any time you like, alright? We are all living here for most of the time now."

"Okay..." Jayden nodded again. "Mom, you must take good care of yourself too. Also, please make sure that Dad doesn't overwork. Ask him to rest when it's time to rest, okay?"

"Okay, I will tell him that. Alright, I'm going to hang up now. Make sure you rest well." In fact, she really wanted to hear Jayden's voice, but she did not want to disturb his sleep. Therefore, she forced herself to hang up the call even when she was reluctant to do so.

Hearing the disconnected tone, Jayden still held onto the mobile phone for a long time.

He wanted to spend more time with his family too, but he just couldn't do it now...

Thinking of the wounds on her body and the fact that Jayden was still ignoring her, Silvia could not fall asleep at all.

"B*stard, who do you think you are!" Silvia was cursing at Jayden in her heart. If this were to happen in the past, she would have rushed out of the room and beaten him up.


The sound of the door knob turning sounded in Silvia's ears. Was it Jayden, that b*stard?

Silvia immediately looked back and saw that the door was gently pushed open. Then, a tall man came into the room.


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