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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 124

After more than two hours of flight, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening when the plane arrived at Chatterton Town Airport.

It took them more than an hour to get home from the airport. It was close to ten o'clock in the evening.

Knowing that they were coming back, the helpers who took care of Momo had sent her home in advance.

Because she hadn't seen her mother for a long time, Momo was in a bad mood and didn't want to move from the sofa.

When Momo heard the door open, she still laid on her stomach and did not move. Recently, when it heard the sound of the door opening, she was always disappointed. Today, she was too lazy to move.

After Kevin Kyle opened the door, he let Karen Daly enter the house first. Karen Daly first looked around and did not see Momo, who would definitely come to the door to welcome her in the past.

"Baby Momo..." Seeing no trace of Momo, she called out her name.

Momo's ears were very sensitive. At the moment she heard Karen Daly's voice, she jumped off the sofa, rushed to the door, and wagged her tail at Karen Daly. "Woof woof woof woof woof woof..."

Karen Daly picked up the little body, and the two of them leaned together and embraced one another. She had not seen this little girl for half a month. She really missed her.

Momo was also very excited. She was wailing and barking as she nestled in Karen Daly's arms, with tears in her eyes.

She really missed her mother.

It was the first time that Momo had not seen her mother for such a long time. She thought that her mother did not want her anymore.

Fortunately, her mother was back.

"Your leg injury has not yet healed. Let's sit down first." Kevin Kyle reminded her in a deep voice.

At this time, he felt a little uncomfortable. When they were in the car, Karen Daly could only see him.

But as soon as she got home, she only saw this little pet. He seemed to be transparent.

"Mr. Kyle, go and do your work. I'll play with Momo for a while. You don't have to worry about us." Karen Daly waved her hand to him and responded without looking at him.

Upon hearing Karen Daly's words, Kevin Kyle's face darkened. He gave Karen Daly and Momo a gloomy look and turned into the study.

Hearing the door of the study room close, Karen Daly whispered in Momo's ear, "Momo, do you think your father is angry?"

Momo barked to reply, seemingly agreeing with her mother.

"Momo, go play by yourself. Mom will make a bowl of noodles for Dad."

In the afternoon, Kevin Kyle needed to go to the airport. And because he couldn't have any business contact after boarding, Kevin Kyle had been busy before boarding. He was so busy that he didn't even have dinner.

He did not eat the food on the plane, so he was hungry until now. Karen Daly deliberately sent him to the study so she could prepare supper for him.

She could walk with her legs, but she would feel some pain if she walked too long or too much. It was not a big problem.

As they were not home for a long time, Karen Daly was still worried that the things in the refrigerator would have turned bad already. However, when she opened the refrigerator, she found that the refrigerator was full of new goods, including all the ingredients she needed.

She looked down at Momo circling around her and asked, "Momo, do you know who bought all these?"

Surely, Momo would not answer. She just felt very happy and wanted to talk to someone.

Kevin Kyle was so busy, but he would have asked the helpers to prepare little things like that. How could she not be moved by his act?

Karen Daly boiled the water. She washed the vegetables and prepared the spices. Soon, a bowl of noodles with the fragrant smell was ready.


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