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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1325

"Mr. and Mrs. Kyle, the weather in Madison City has been terrible. Master Jayden's body can't withstand such drastic weather changes. If this continues, it will cause great harm to him. I suggest that we bring him back to Chatterton Town for treatment." After the doctors checked Jayden's condition and analyzed the situation, they came to this conclusion.

Kevin raised his eyebrows and asked, "Bring him back to Chatterton Town for treatment?"

The doctor explained, "Chatterton Town is located in the south, and the climate is warm with occasional days of cold weather all year round. It's the better option for Master Jayden's treatment."

After understanding the situation, Kevin made a deliberate decision. "Since the weather in Chatterton Town is better for his recovery, we should arrange for it at once." "But..." Karen had some concerns. "Kevin, shouldn't we consult Jayden's opinion first? What if he doesn't want to go back?"

Although Karen wanted to bring Jayden back to Chatterton Town to recuperate, she wanted Jayden to go back voluntarily. What if he resisted treatment if they forced him?

Furthermore, Silvia was in Madison City. Now that they were not on good terms, what would Silvia think if they took Jayden away like this?

"Listen to his opinion? He will definitely not be willing to go back to Chatterton Town to receive treatment." Kevin raised his voice slightly. "We have time but what about Jayden? If this continues, how long can he hold on? Karen, listen to me, we can't let him do as he pleases!"

In the past, Kevin asked Karen not to worry about Jayden's matters, which were all about work and general life matters. But now with Jayden's life on the line, Kevin could not waste even a minute. He would not wait for Jayden to wake up to make a decision.

While he was speaking to Karen, Kevin had already taken out his phone and dialed York's number. "York, arrange a plane for Chatterton Town immediately. The sooner, the better."

"I'll make a call to Silvia then." Since Kevin had already made up his mind, and Taking Jayden's life into consideration, Karen did not say anything more. Now, she needed to inform Silvia to avoid Silvia from thinking that the Kyles had taken their son away from her.

Karen did not know Silvia's phone number, so she had to ask Auntie Cherry for Silvia's phone number. When she tried calling her, Silvia's phone was turned off.

Time was of the essence and Silvia was unreachable. Karen had to explain to Auntie Cherry. "Auntie Cherry, I can't get in touch with Silvia now. Please call her later. You must remember to tell her that Jayden went back to Chatterton Town for treatment. When he recovers, he will definitely come back. And if she is willing, we welcome her to come to visit us in Chatterton Town."

"No..." Just after that, Karen changed her mind. "Auntie Cherry, I'll inform her myself later."

It was better to inform Silvia personally. Karen planned to contact Silvia later. If she could not get in touch with Silvia before leaving Madison City, then she would contact her in Chatterton Town.

"Mrs. Kyle, do you really want to take Master Jayden away?" Auntie Cherry had been working for Jayden for several years, and she had been accustomed to listening to Jayden's orders. Now she heard that someone was going to take her master away, she was worried.

Auntie Cherry was afraid that Jayden would not come back and she would lose her job. She was afraid of an uncertain future.

"Auntie Cherry, we are not taking him away. He will be back. The weather in Chatterton Town is better and it will be helpful for his recovery." Although Auntie Cherry was just a servant, Karen explained patiently to clear her doubts.

"Mrs. Kyle, I will stay here and wait for Master Jayden's return." Auntie Cherry was still worried, but she could not say anything more, as a servant.


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