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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1334

"Everyone, don't just stand there. Please have a seat," Karen said after gathering herself together. "Silvia, since you're new here and not familiar with us, let me introduce you to our family members. There are quite a number of us but everyone welcomes you to our family."

"Thank you, Mrs. Kyle!" Silvia was at a loss as she stood among the unfamiliar relatives. However, her uneasiness was greatly reduced by Karen's gentleness and thoughtfulness.

Mia, who had always liked to stir up trouble, stepped forward and said, "Karen, I am already very familiar with Silvia so you don't have to formally introduce me to her anymore. I absolutely welcome Silvia to our big family."

"Alright," Karen smiled gently. "Silvia, this is your beautiful and kind Aunt Mia. As long as she is present, there will definitely be lovely laughter in the house."

"Do you really think I'm that lovely?" Mia was pleasantly surprised by Karen's compliment. She had always thought that in the eyes of her family, she was a person who only knew how to stir up trouble all the time. Therefore, she had not expected that Karen would hold her in such high regard. It seemed that her trip to the airport that day was worth it..

"Of course you're that good," Karen said with a warm smile.

It had been more than twenty years since Karen had known Mia. As time passed, it was inevitable that people changed. Mia was the only one who still remained her enthusiastic and friendly self. The atmosphere was always more lively with her around.

Mia said proudly, "Baby Karen, Levi, Little Precious, and Neil, did you hear that? Karen was praising me."

Karen Joy and the two young boys made faces at Mia at the same time. On the other hand, Neil's expression was cold and indifferent. "What do you mean? Do you think I'm not good enough or what?" Mia whined.

With Mia present, the mood was instantly lightened, which made Silvia's tense nerves relaxed. She found herself loosened up and broke into a smile. "Nice to meet you, Aunt Mia!"

Mia could be regarded as the first family member of the Kyle family officially introduced to Silvia. She would remember this moment forever.

"And this is..." Karen turned to look at Neil and paused suddenly. As his relationship with Mia was a little confusing, she was hesitating on how to introduce him to Silvia. After pondering for a moment, she finally said, "Silvia, this is your Uncle Neil."

Silvia nodded and greeted, "Nice to meet you, Uncle Neil."

Neil glanced at Silvia for a while and nodded, "Silvia, Chatterton Town will be your home from now onward."

Neil's words didn't mean anything special to Silvia. However, the Kyles who knew him well could tell that it was his way for saying he had acknowledged Silvia. As long as Silvia was in Chatterton town, she would be under his protection. He would never allow her to be bullied by anyone.

Karen nodded with satisfaction. Then, she looked at Karen Joy and Lionel, saying, "Silvia, this is Karen Joy, Jayden's younger sister."

Karen Joy!

Although this was Silvia's first time meeting Karen Joy, it was not the first time Silvia heard of her name. Thus, Silvia couldn't help but examine her closely again.

True enough, Karen Joy was a stunning and charismatic lady. Every gesture and smile of hers displayed a unique charm that solely belonged to her.

"Hello, Silvia, I'm Karen Joy!" She smiled and said, "It's nice to finally see you in person! I’ve heard a lot about you. I know you're technically senior to me since you're my older brother's wife, but you're younger than I am, so I think you wouldn't mind me just addressing you as Silvia?"

"No problem at all!" Silvia replied warmly.


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