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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1346

Without Jayden around, the others felt like strangers to Silvia.

She felt out of place as she sat with the family. She usually loved to eat fried shrimps, but at present, the food seemed tasteless in her mouth.

"Silvia, the doctor said that Jayden has to stay warm. So, I sent someone to send breakfast to his room. Hurry up and eat. After that, you'll be able to visit him." Karen was able to see through Silvia's concern and told her in advance.

"That's right, Sister Silvia. Once you finish your meal, you can visit Jayden. So, don't be moody." Even Levi was able to see that Silvia was unhappy for not being able to see Jayden.

Once again, Silvia deeply felt that she could not keep anything from the Kyles. They could guess her every move and read any subtle change in her expression.

If that was the case, would they guess that she was slightly envious of Karen Joy’s beauty? If it was true, she really could not mask her feelings!

Just as Silvia was letting her imagination run wild, Levi was sensible and reminded her at the right time, "Sister Silvia, eat quickly. Once you're done, you can see Jayden!"

Once she finished her meal, she could visit Jayden openly. Silvia didn’t think of anything else and pulled herself out of her moody thoughts to concentrate on her meal. This time, everything was delicious.

Silvia finished her breakfast as fast as she could and let Karen Joy lead her directly to Jayden's room.

On the way there, Karen Joy said, "Silvia, our family really likes you very much. I like you too. We are all thrilled from the bottom of our heart for you to come.”

Silvia could feel it too. "Karen Joy, thank you."

Karen Joy continued, "Then can you tell me what your worries are?"

Did Karen Joy notice something?

Silvia felt slightly nervous. "Karen Joy, why do you ask that?"

Karen Joy immediately smiled and said, "It's just intuition."

Silvia sighed. This girl's intuition was accurate.

But how should Silvia answer Karen Joy? Could she tell Karen Joy that she was concerned about who Jayden fancied before? That she, Silvia, was envious of Karen Joy?

Of course, none of these could be said out loud. "Of course, I'm just worried about your brother's health."

Silvia didn't want to talk about it, so Karen Joy didn't probe further. "Jayden will definitely be fine. Don't worry too much."

Silvia nodded.

Soon, they arrived at Jayden's room. Karen Joy knocked at the door. When she heard Jayden say "Come in", she pushed the door open and went in. "Brother, guess who came to see you?"

Jayden merely glanced at them. Then, he looked away as if he had not seen them.

Silvia felt uncomfortable. How dare this man sneak in to see her the previous night and then pretend to be cold when there were other people present? He should at least show her some respect.

Karen Joy pushed Silvia in front of him. "Brother, Silvia is here to see you. Are you happy? Are you surprised?"

In fact, they had received Mia's messages last night, but they tacitly pretended that they didn't see it because they all knew that Jayden was also a person who cared about his image.

Jayden remained quiet. Silvia stared at him so hard that she wanted to rush over and bite him. She wanted to punish him so severely that he would become unrecognizable.

"Jayden would definitely ignore all of us!" Levi also followed in and spat out that sentence. As soon as Levi said it, Jayden glared at him fiercely.

Silvia thought, "Look at this Jayden. He did something, but he wouldn't let anyone talk about it!"

"Silvia, Jayden is on an intravenous drip. You should go and accompany him. Levi and I will leave first." Karen Joy immediately pulled Levi away and left her behind. It would be better for her to give some space to her brother and sister-in-law.

When they left, they closed the door properly. But after that, Levi was unwilling to leave and wanted to stay outside to eavesdrop again. Karen Joy glared at him as a warning, "Levi, no eavesdropping."


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