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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1437

After knowing that Mia had abducted Levi home, Neil was completely stressed out. He wanted to say something but ended up shaking his head helplessly and said, "Mia, this isn't a trifling matter. You should think about it carefully."

Mia was in a rage. She could not listen to anything Neil had said to her at all. "What do you mean, Neil? Do you mean that I never think with my brain when I do anything?"

Levi looked at Neil expectantly. He was giving him a knowing look, trying to ask him for help, "Dad, save me!"

However, Neil did not look at him. All he was paying attention to was his savage wife. "It won't be easy to be in the special forces. It's not something anyone can get through. Are you sure that you want to send Levi there?"

Mia asked, "That's why I'm asking if you're willing to send him there."

Neil replied, "If you insist on it, I'll have no objections to it. But..."

"Stop talking nonsense with me here. Just decide if you're going to do it or not. Be a little more decisive, will you?" Mia glared at Neil.

"Also, you actually dared to hide it from me when this rascal sent a woman to your bed back then. You'd better be glad that I didn't get mad at you for it, how dare you plea for mercy on his behalf?"

When Mia mentioned that incident, Neil immediately flew into a rage. "To tell the truth, I've been thinking of sending him there, but you wouldn't let me do that before this. I've never brought it up all these years because I was worried that you'll miss him. Now that you've brought it up, I'll arrange it now and send him there tomorrow."

Levi was so frustrated that he wailed loudly, "Dad, I'm your son. Have you forgotten that?"

Levi thought that Neil would take his side and stop Mia from sending him to the military. However, that was not the case at all. Neil was only worried that Mia would miss her son. He had never considered for Levi's sake at all.

In fact, Levi had always felt like a third wheel whenever he was with these two. He could even feel that Neil and Mia really wished that they could just kick him away so that he would not bother them.

Mia said, "This brat here has no respect at all, and he doesn't fear anyone. We should've sent him to the military to get him disciplined for a long time. I want you to call the person in charge now. I want him there tomorrow. He really needs to experience some hardship!"

Neil answered, "Okay, I'll do as you say."

Mia smiled complacently, "You're still the best, Neil."

Levi was completely speechless.

These couples had no conscience at all. They did not even hesitate one bit when it came to torturing their own son.

Who else was there to save him?

The only person who could save him was Kevin Kyle, Mia's only kryptonite.

Hence, Levi tried to buy himself some time, "I need to go to the washroom."

Mia instructed, "Keep the door open."

Levi, "Mom, I'm not a criminal. I'm your son. Do I have any rights left if I actually need to keep the door open when I'm using the washroom?"

Mia answered heartlessly, "That's right, you don't have any left."

Since his plan has failed, Levi could only try begging. "Mom, I beg you. Please, I beg you. You're the most beautiful and kind mother in the world. I'm just going to the toilet, and we live on the 19th floor. How am I going to escape?"

"If you dare to play any tricks, I'll definitely make you suffer." Mia knew her son well. It was impossible for him to just listen to her and do nothing to free himself.

Levi said, "Mom, you're such a wise woman, how would I dare to play tricks on you? I'm all yours once I'm back, okay?"

With much difficulty, Levi finally arrived at the washroom. He immediately took out his mobile phone and dialled Karen Daly's number. "Aunt Karen, help me!"

Karen asked, "What's the matter, Levi?"

Levi quickly explained the entire situation to Karen, "Julien suggested a bad idea to my mom. He's asking my mom to send me to the special forces for a few years. Aunt Karen, the special forces is a scary place. I know that I will definitely not survive if I go there."

Karen smiled and said, "Well, you really should go there to build your character though."


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