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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1439

Vanessa was on leave, so she planned to sleep in with Lawrie. However, Lawrie had gone to bed early the night before, so he had already woken up. He rolled into Vanessa's arms and nuzzled up against her. "Mommy, do you love me?"

Vanessa, "Of course I love you."

"I love you too," said Lawrie.

Vanessa said, "Lawrie, can you let me sleep for a little while longer?"

Lawrie said, "Okay."

However, in the next minute, Lawrie once again climbed onto Vanessa's body and held her face as he asked. "Mommy, how much do you love me?"

Vanessa really wanted to stuff his mouth, but she must not show any dissatisfaction at him. Otherwise, this sensitive boy would start thinking that she didn't love him again.

Sure enough, when he didn't receive Vanessa's reply, Lawrie once again pouted his lips. He said, "Mommy, are you not answering me because you don't love me?"

Vanessa shoved him under the blanket and said, "Lawrie, if you disturb me again, I'm not going to talk to you anymore."

"Mommy, can I play with your phone then?" Lawrie asked.

Vanessa usually would not allow Lawrie to keep himself occupied with any electronic devices, but in order to stop Lawrie from disturbing her sleep, Vanessa had made it an exception this time. As soon as Lawrie had gotten the phone, he rolled to the other side of the bed and immediately became engrossed in it.

After a while, he looked back at Vanessa and said, "Mommy..."

Vanessa did not respond.

Lawrie called out tentatively, "Mommy, are you asleep?"

Vanessa still did not respond. She must have fallen asleep.

Lawrie slowly slid down the bed with the mobile phone in his hand and hid in the living room to search through Vanessa's call log. There were not many phone numbers in Vanessa's contact list and there was only one number in her call log.

Humph, this should be that big bad guy's phone number.

Lawrie tapped on the screen with his tiny finger and dialled the phone number. However, he was still young, he could not understand what was shown on the screen, so he patiently waited until the call got through.

After a while, a cold male voice sounded from the phone. "What's the matter?"

Lawrie had heard this very voice before. He was sure that this person on the other side of the call was the big bad guy who had been bullying his mother. "Humph, you're a big bad guy. Just wait till I grow up, I'm going to fight you."

Julien said, "Ask Vanessa to answer the phone."

Lawrie said, "She's not free. Don't call her again, or I will bite you."

Julien repeated himself, "Ask her to answer the phone."

"This big bad guy is so fierce," Lawrie said inwardly. Lawrie was somewhat scared as he listened to Julien's voice, but he still plucked up his courage and said in a confident tone, "Big bad guy, you're not allowed to be fierce to me, and you're not allowed to bully her."

Julien said, "If you don't give her the phone now, I'll make sure that you'll never get to see her ever again."

Julien's words hit Lawrie's soft spot at that instant. Lawrie was so terrified that he began to bawl. "Big bad guy! You're a bad guy! You're the worst! I hate you!"

Lawrie's cry travelled to the bedroom, waking Vanessa up. She quickly got out of bed and rushed to the living room. She saw that Lawrie was crying and yelling at her phone, and she could hear Julien's voice coming out of the phone, "Hey, you little brat, stop crying!"

Julien's voice...

Upon hearing Julien's voice, Vanessa knew that she was done for. What if Lawrie had accidentally said that she was his mother? What should she do?

Without a second thought, Vanessa rushed over and snatched the phone away. After hanging up the phone, she asked, "Lawrie, what's going on?"

Lawrie threw himself into Vanessa's arms. "Mommy, the big bad guy is so fierce. He bullied me."

Vanessa patted his back to comfort him. "Tell me. How did he bully you?"


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