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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1442

Vanessa kicked the phone away, but still could not break the phone. The strange man's voice once again sounded. "Well, as long as the child is my flesh and blood, it won't matter who he looks like."

"Shut the f*ck up!" Vanessa yelled.

The man said, "I know that it must have been hard on you having to raise our child by yourself all these years and I understand that you have a lot of grievances in your heart. Now that I've found you guys, I won't let you two suffer anymore. Well, Vanessa, it's getting late now. How about we meet up tomorrow so that we can talk about our child. I will definitely take responsibility for the child, and if you're willing to, I will also take care of you."

Their child?


No, Lawrie was her child, a child who she had raised by herself. He had nothing to do with anyone else. She was not going to let anyone take Lawrie away from her.

Thinking of Lawrie, Vanessa tried to suppress the panic in her heart. She told herself that she had to remain calm, so that she could protect Lawrie and complete the thing that she had always wanted to do.

The reason why she had insisted on giving birth to Lawrie was to look for the man who had defiled her. She wanted to use Lawrie's DNA to find that man. However, Lawrie was so adorable that she couldn't help but want to love him and protect him. Hence, she could only look for the man in secret.

Over the years, Vanessa had been looking for that man but to no avail. Now that the man had come to her, of course she had to meet him.

Vanessa took a deep breath and pulled herself together. Then, she said in a calm tone, "Okay, where do you want to meet tomorrow?"

The man said, "I just got here, so I'm not familiar with the city. You can decide on the place instead, Miss Vanessa."

Vanessa thought for a moment and said, "Let's meet at Autumn Cafe in Boston Plaza at 2 p.m. tomorrow afternoon."

The man said. "Sure."

After receiving an answer from the other side of the phone, Vanessa immediately hung up the phone. Then, she called the lawyer who was responsible for her case. "Miss Young, that man just contacted me."

"He just contacted you?" Vanessa's lawyer, Harper Young was very surprised that the man who they had been looking for over the years had contacted Vanessa out of a sudden. She asked, "Vanessa, are you sure that it's him?"

Vanessa shook her head then nodded. "I'm not very sure. But except for that man, no one else knows what happened that night. When he called me just now, he mentioned Stateview Hotel and even the date. I think it should be him."

Harper added, "No matter if it's him, you'll have to find a way to meet him first and you'll need to get a few strands of his hair so that we can try to match it with Lawrie's DNA."

Vanessa bit her lip and said, "I'm feeling a little scared out of a sudden."

Harper said, "Vanessa, don't tell me that you're regretting it?"

Vanessa shook her head and said, "I've never wavered when it comes to bringing that man to justice. But Lawrie is innocent, I don't want him to get involved in this. I don't want him to get called a r*pist's son. I hope that you can try your best to keep this matter confidential. I don't want Lawrie to get hurt."

Harper said, "I've known Lawrie since he was born, of course I want the best for him. I won't let him get hurt. Even if you didn't say it, I'll still do the best I could to keep this matter confidential. I won't let this affect his life."


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