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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1453

Julien added, "You guys had no idea who I was dating back then, and you guys have no idea now that the woman I want to marry is the person I liked. And because I've never done anything to worry you all these years, so I am only known as the sensible and filial child who cannot do anything you disapprove of."

Karen began, "Julien, no...."

Julien was not having it and immediately cut Karen off, "Mom, please let me finish. Have you guys ever thought about how I would also want the same kind of attention and care that you show Jayden and Karen Joy? Please ask yourselves, have you ever loved me the way you loved them?"

As Karen listened to Julien's pained explanation, she realised finally that she had indeed been biased with the affection she showed Jayden and Karen Joy, as compared to Julien.

As a young boy, Julien had exhibited calmness and maturity that were different from that of his peers. He was always at the top of his class, having even skipped a few grades . As he never worried his parents in any way, the consistency he showed started giving them the impression that naturally, he had always meant to be a golden child. Slowly, they started taking for granted and neglecting his great effort to be a thoughtful child who did not worry his parents.

"Julien... I'm so sorry!" Karen's eyes welled up with tears. She wiped them off the edges of her eyes as she apologised again, "I'm sorry! We're so, so sorry! We've neglected you all these years, but this won't happen again."

"Mom, you don't have to apologize. I'm only sharing this with you to let you know that I'm just like everybody else. I also need love and attention, and I also really want a woman who would love me the way Aunt Mia loves Uncle Neil, the way Karen Joy loves Lionel... and how you love Dad. And this girl that I want, her name's Vanessa Love. She's the woman I've been waiting for. So, whatever it is, I will marry her and I hope that you and will not try to stop me." As soon as he finished his speech, Julien gave his parents a bow and then turned to leave.

Watching Julien's silhouette as he left the room, a word suddenly came to Karen's mind - loneliness.

All these years, she had always thought that she had cared for her family well. She thought that she had been wonderfully considerate of every family member's feelings. Little did she know, she had taken her youngest son for granted.

Jayden, her eldest son, lived in Madison City where she would visit him at least twice a year. Whenever he was free, Jayden would return to Chatterton Town as well, to visit his parents. So, Karen knew that his family was doing very well.

As for her daughter, Karen Joy... She lived in Chatterton Town with Lionel and their son, Larry, and would come home for a get-together every weekend. Karen made sure that her daughter's family was well taken care of in every possible way.

It was the same for Mia. She had been married for years now, and had an adult son. Still, Karen treated Mia like a child as Mia was Kevin's younger sister.

However, the son who was always sensible and filial in Karen's eyes had been horribly neglected by her. She never worried about Julien when he was in school, and she was so proud when he joined Rovio and performed exceedingly well.

Even when Kevin abruptly entrusted Julien with the great responsibility of heading Rovio, she had thought nothing of it, thinking that it was only natural for her son to be doing this. Thus, the thought of attending the appointment ceremony did not even cross her mind, and she and Kevin opted for a trip around the world instead.

"My son, I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!" Tears flowed from Karen's eyes and rolled off her face. The guilt she felt was unquantifiable as she continued crying, blaming herself for what had happened. Kevin walked to her and sat down beside her. He gently held her in his arms. "Karen, I'm the one who should apologise."

Karen shook her head, "This isn't your fault, it's ours. How can we make such a big mistake? He's the child that we raised together."

Kevin gently patted her back and comforted her, "Yes, we've been wrong all these years."

The couple had been especially worried about their eldest son, Jayden, due to the hardships he experienced as a child. When he joined the Kyle family at the age of 11, they worked tirelessly to be good parents to him, not wanting him to feel like an outsider within the family.

They both treated Karen Joy well because she was their first child. They had almost lost Karen Joy during childbirth, as the baby had been snatched from Karen's womb. As a toddler, Karen Joy had been devoid of Karen's love, so Kevin's love for his daughter doubled in amount. When Karen finally returned, she too did everything she could to compensate for the love she owed her daughter in her absence.

Julien was the only child who had been by his parents' side since birth. He had hardly experienced any difficulties in the first 20 years of his life, and everything always felt smooth- sailing for him. Thus, he was neglected.

After this incident, however, they finally understood that they had no right taking him for granted just because he was an excellent child.

Knock, knock...

Julien had just come out of the bathroom when he heard someone knocking on the door.


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