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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 1456

The old Vanessa would argue with him for hours over a movie's plot-hole. She would not give up until the argument was won. Her pride, her confidence and her stubborn, unyielding spirit were everything that made her all the more different, and special from everyone else. The closer he got to her, the deeper his attraction towards her would get.

Julien remembered clearly and very fondly that the first- ever movie they watched together was 'Who is the Murderer'. After it ended, they got into a huge, cutthroat quarrel about its plot even before setting foot outside of the cinema.

They had placed a bet on who the murderer was half an hour into the movie. In the end, even though Vanessa turned out to be wrong, she still stubbornly believed that she had made the right call. She re- analyzed and scrutinized every clue she learned of before; still, she ended up with the same conclusion -that the real murderer was the one whom she had guessed.

Julien explained that this was the actual plothole of the movie. Perhaps the scriptwriters did not want it to be an easy guess for the audience. Thus, he threw in another clue right before the movie's climax to turn the table and ultimately change the murderer's identity.

Vanessa looked at him and said discontentedly, "We both watched the same movie and had the same clues, so how did you figure out who was the actual murderer?"

Julien said, "Sometimes, things just aren't the way they seem. There's more than what meets the eye, and there are more forces at play."

"Like what?" Vanessa pressed.

Julien replied, "The market."

Realization dawned on Vanessa. "That's true. All the latest movies are commercial blockbusters. So, the market does come as a priority to the production team. Recently, there were many films with great reps and international awards which all turned out to be box office busts. Yet, terrible movies do well just because a popular celebrity was on it, and has huge support from the fans. Filmmakers have stopped caring about the quality of the film but focus on box office performance instead. They are worried about financial losses, and hence, the movie we watched and all others created to cater to market appetite, exist."

"That's the logic behind it." Julien nodded in agreement and continued, "However, such a superficial and chaotic movie market system will eventually fall apart, and films will one day return to its artistic roots. Only actors with strong acting skills will make it to the end."

"You are indeed the well- admired Prince Charming to all girls of the school. There is good logic and sense in what you say." Vanessa shot Julien a thumbs-up. She then said to Julien with a smile, "If we have kids in the future, we must guide them well. We must never ever let them be fans that follow celebrities blindly."

Julien was slightly stunned when he heard what Vanessa said. This was only their first movie date, yet this woman was already thinking about marriage and having kids in the future.

Vanessa continued, "If we have a son, we would have to be stricter with him to make sure that he grows up with good habits. And if we have a daughter, she'd definitely be as gorgeous and adorable like I am. We should be gentle with her; whatever she wants, she gets. We absolutely can't let her suffer in any way! A daughter must be brought up lavishly!" Julien quietly studied her. Seeing her eyes light up with so much excitement, a stream of warmth slowly made its way to his chest, melting away the ice that enveloped his cold heart that he kept hidden from everyone. Would they really have children together?

Would their first child be a boy or a girl?

Would the child look like her, or would it look like him?

If they could have children, he hoped that it would be a girl; a girl as lovely and confident as she was.

Knock, knock...

The knock on the door cut off Julien's train of thoughts. He regained his composure and then went to open the door. It was Karen Joy. "What's the matter, Sis?"


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