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My Husband, Warm The Bed novel Chapter 150

Amidst the laughter, Kevin Kyle and Karen Daly received a gift from their elders too.

Karen Daly also gave the gifts she had prepared beforehand to everyone. The elders and Mia Kyle expressed that they liked them very much.

After all, Grandpa Kyle was old, so it was a blessing for him to live this long and healthy. After receiving the gift, he asked Kevin Kyle to walk him back to his room first.

Kevin's mother took Karen Daly's hand and said a few words, and then went back to the room with Kevin's father to rest.

As soon as the elders left, Mia Kyle's face darkened instantly. She laid on the sofa and looked in a daze.

"Mia, what's wrong?" Karen Daly wanted to go upstairs, but when she saw that Mia Kyle looked off, she stopped and asked with concern.

"Sister-in-law..." Mia Kyle raised her head, sighed, and said, "Do you think that if you like someone, you should wait for him to like you, or should you take the initiative?"

Karen Daly sat down beside Mia Kyle. She thought for a moment and said, "In my opinion, if you like, you should pursue boldly. If you don't pursue, what if he feels the same for you? Then you will miss it."

In Karen Daly's view, people like Kevin Kyle would never take the initiative to chase after girls.

In life, if she didn't take the initiative and waited for him to take the initiative, they probably hadn't become husband and wife yet.

"So I should take the initiative?" Mia Kyle murmured.

"Does Mia have someone she likes?" Karen Daly asked again.

Mia Kyle blinked her eyes and put away the tears in her eyes. Then she said, "Yes, I like a very annoying man."

A man who didn't want to pick up her calls and see her, who was really annoying. She had never been annoyed at a person so much.

Tonight, she called him again. It was his private phone, but it was his subordinate who answered the phone.

She asked the man to answer the phone. The man obviously paused for a while and then said to her, "Chief officer is busy with official business and has no time. He also said that you do not call him all the time in the future."

She knew he must be there and could even hear her voice, but he just didn't want to talk to her.

Mia Kyle couldn't figure it out. Before this, she was considered a minor by him, he would answer every phone call and tell her many interesting things in the army.

He spent the New Year's holiday in Beaford City last year. He rushed to Chatterton Town from Beaford City and gave her a big gift.

When he saw her, he pulled her closer to his chest and said, "Mia, you seem to have grown taller, reaching my chin. If you continue to grow, are you going to grow taller than me?"

She nestled in his arms and said, "Neil Brown, I am going to be an adult soon, so I won't grow taller, you don't have to worry."

He rubbed her head with a smile. "It's not good for a girl to grow taller. Later on, no man will marry you."

"You already know, Neil Brown, I have been dreaming of marrying you since I was a child." She was simple-minded and said whatever she thought.

"Stupid child." He pinched her face again, just like when he was a child. "I am your uncle. You are already a big child. Don't talk nonsense like this in the future."

He said that she was talking nonsense, but she knew very well that in this life, he was the only person she wanted to marry.

Although she was young, this idea was very firm.

Last year, after the New Year's, when he returned to Chatterton Town, he said to her personally, "Mia, try your best to study. As long as you get into a good university, I will come to see you early next New Year's."


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